Spread Widening | Why Do Spreads Widen?

Spread Widening | Why Do Spreads Widen?

In the dynamic and often unpredictable world of forex trading, one significant challenge traders face is spread widening. The spread, which is the difference between the bid and ask prices of a currency pair, represents the cost of executing a trade. While typically narrow in stable market conditions, spreads widen significantly due to factors like market volatility, liquidity issues, and major economic or geopolitical events.

Understanding the causes and effects of spreads is crucial for forex traders aiming to optimize their trading strategies and manage their costs effectively. This article by Brokerland to learn Forex trading explores the phenomenon of spread widening, examining why they occur, how they impact traders, and strategies to minimize their effects.

What does spread widening mean?

In forex, spread widening refers to an increase in the difference between the bid and ask prices of a currency pair. The bid price is the highest price a buyer is willing to pay for a currency, while the ask price is the lowest price a seller is willing to accept. Essentially, the spread is the cost of trading, and a wider spread means higher costs for traders. Spreads can widen due to various factors, including market volatility, low liquidity, and economic or geopolitical events.

One main reason for widening spreads is market volatility. During periods of high volatility and kill zones, such as major economic announcements, political events, or sudden market shocks, uncertainty and rapid price movements can cause spreads to widen. Brokers increase spreads to account for the increased risk and potential for rapid price changes that could lead to losses. For traders, this means higher transaction costs and potentially less favorable trading conditions.

Low liquidity is another important factor that can cause spreads to widen. Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without affecting its price. In forex markets, liquidity is usually higher during peak trading hours when major financial centers are open. However, during off-hours or with less-traded currency pairs, liquidity can decrease, leading to wider spreads. In such conditions, brokers widen spreads to manage the risk associated with lower trading volumes and the difficulty of executing large orders without significant price changes.

What does spread widening mean?

Economic and geopolitical events can also lead to spread widening. Major events like central bank meetings, interest rate announcements, inflation rates, unemployment rates, elections, or geopolitical tensions can create market uncertainty.

This uncertainty can make traders more cautious, reduce liquidity, and increase volatility. Forex brokers respond to this by widening spreads to protect themselves against the possibility of rapid and unpredictable price changes. For traders, being aware of these events and their potential impact on spreads is crucial for managing trading costs and risks effectively.

Why do spreads widen?

spreads widening occur for several reasons, primarily related to market conditions and brokers’ risk management strategies. Understanding why spreads widen can help traders navigate the complexities of forex trading more effectively. Here are the main factors influencing spread widening:

  • Market Volatility: One of the most common reasons for increased spreads is market volatility. During periods of significant price swings, such as major economic announcements (e.g., interest rate decisions, employment reports) or unexpected geopolitical events (e.g., elections, conflicts), uncertainty and rapid price movements lead brokers to widen spreads. Spread widening helps brokers mitigate the risk of rapid and unpredictable price changes that could result in losses for them.
  • Liquidity Issues: Liquidity, or the ease of buying or selling a currency without affecting its price, plays a significant role in spread widening. During periods of low liquidity, such as holidays, weekends, or outside main trading hours and forex sessions, there are fewer active traders in the market, resulting in lower liquidity. In such conditions, forex brokers increase spreads to manage the risk associated with lower trading volumes and the potential difficulty of executing large orders without significant price changes.
  • Economic and Geopolitical Events: Major economic and geopolitical events can create significant uncertainty in the markets, leading to spread widening. For instance, events like central bank policy meetings, major political elections, or geopolitical tensions can make traders adopt a wait-and-see approach, reducing overall market activity and liquidity. Brokers, anticipating potential rapid price changes and decreased trading activity, widen spreads to protect themselves against the increased risk of losses.
  • Broker Risk Management: Brokers adjust spreads as part of their risk management strategy. When they perceive increased risk from any of the above factors, they widen spreads to ensure they can cover potential adverse market movements. This approach helps brokers maintain their financial stability and continue providing liquidity to traders even during market stress.

Why do spreads widen?

Understanding these reasons for spread widening can help traders better anticipate changes in trading costs and adjust their strategies accordingly. By knowing when spreads are likely to widen, traders can plan their trades to avoid higher costs and manage their risk more effectively.

Does this increase in spreads occur with all brokers, and is it the same for all?

Yes, the spread widening occurs with all forex brokers, but the extent and timing can vary significantly between brokers. For instance, the amount and timing of spread widening in a broker like Alpari might differ from that in Amarkets. These variations are influenced by several factors, including the broker’s business model, the liquidity providers they use, and their specific risk management strategies. Here’s a deeper look at how and why these differences in spread widening occur:

Types of Brokers: There are different types of brokers, primarily classified as market makers and Electronic Communication Network (ECN) brokers. Market makers set their own spreads and often increase them significantly during volatile periods to manage risk. On the other hand, ECN brokers aggregate prices from multiple liquidity providers, which usually results in narrower spreads. However, even ECN brokers can experience widened spreads during times of low liquidity or high volatility because their liquidity providers adjust their prices.

Liquidity Providers: The source of liquidity plays a crucial role in spread widening. Brokers that, like OmegaFinex or Fibo Group, have access to a larger and more diverse set of liquidity providers typically can offer more stable spreads. During periods of market volatility or low liquidity, if a broker relies on a limited number of liquidity providers, the spreads may widen more compared to brokers with a broader range of liquidity sources.

Risk Management Practices: Each broker has its own risk management policies that dictate how they adjust spreads in response to market conditions. Some brokers might increase spreads more aggressively during uncertain times to protect themselves, while others might absorb some of the risk to maintain competitive spreads and attract traders. This means that even under identical market conditions, different brokers might exhibit varying degrees of spread widening.

Does spread widening occur in all brokers?Technology and Infrastructure: Advanced trading technology and infrastructure can affect the behavior of spread widening. Brokers with superior technology and faster execution capabilities can manage their order books more effectively, potentially leading to less significant spread widening. Additionally, brokers like Errante, IFC Markets, or Ingot Brokers that offer premium accounts or VIP services may provide more stable spreads to high-volume or high-frequency traders.

While spread widening is common among all brokers in certain market conditions, the extent and timing can vary. Traders should carefully choose their brokers by considering factors such as broker type, liquidity sources, risk management policies, and technological capabilities to ensure they can effectively manage spread widening.

It’s also beneficial for traders to monitor their broker’s performance in different market conditions and read reviews or conduct tests to see how spreads behave in practice.

How to Reduce the Impact of Spread Widening in Trading

To avoid or mitigate the impact of spread widening in forex trading, traders can implement several strategies and practices. Here are some key approaches:

  1. Choose the Right Broker: Selecting a broker known for offering tight and stable spreads, especially during market volatility, is crucial. ECN brokers usually offer narrower spreads compared to market makers because they aggregate prices from multiple liquidity providers. Additionally, brokers with advanced technology and a wide range of liquidity sources can provide more consistent spreads, resulting in less exposure to spread widening for traders.
  2. Trade During Peak Hours: Market liquidity is higher during the overlap of major sessions, like the London-New York overlap. Trading during these peak hours can help you benefit from narrower spreads due to higher trading volumes and increased market activity. Avoid trading during holidays, weekends, or off-peak hours when liquidity is low and the risk of spread widening is higher.
  3. Monitor the Economic Calendar: Be aware of significant economic events and forex news releases that can cause market volatility and lead to spread widening. Economic calendars provide schedules for important announcements like central bank meetings, employment reports, and GDP releases, available on sites like FX Daily, TradingView, Forex Factory, or through brokers like LiteForex, OmegaFinex, and Orbex. By avoiding trading around these high-impact events, you can reduce the risk of encountering spread widening.
  4. Use Limit Orders: Instead of using market types of forex orders , which are executed at the best available price and are more prone to spread widening, use limit orders. Limit orders specify the exact price at which you want to buy or sell a currency pair. While there’s no guarantee your order will be filled, it allows you to avoid unexpected spread widening and trade at your desired price level.
  5. Diversify Trading Instruments: Spread widening can vary between different currency pairs. Major pairs (like EUR/USD, GBP/USD) generally have higher liquidity and narrower spreads compared to minor and exotic pairs (like USD/TRY, EUR/SGD). By focusing on major and minor pairs with higher liquidity, you can reduce the impact of spread widening.
  6. Consider Premium Accounts and Brokerage Services: Some brokers offer premium accounts or VIP services that provide better spreads and reduced trading costs in exchange for minimum deposits or trading volumes. If you trade frequently or with larger amounts, evaluate these options, as they can offer more stable trading conditions and lower spread widening.

How to Reduce the Impact of Spread Widening in Trading

By implementing these strategies, traders can reduce the impact of spread widening, manage their trading costs more effectively, and enhance their overall trading experience.


Spreads widening, like slippage, are an inherent aspect of forex trading that can significantly impact trading costs and overall market experience. By understanding the factors that contribute to spread widening, such as market volatility, liquidity fluctuations, and major economic events, traders can better anticipate and navigate these changes.

Implementing strategies such as choosing the right broker, trading during peak hours, using limit orders, and focusing on major currency pairs can help mitigate the impact of spread widening. Ultimately, staying informed and adapting to market conditions is crucial for managing trading costs and achieving success in the forex market. By being proactive and strategic, traders can turn the challenges of spread widening into opportunities for improving their trading performance.

How to Become a Professional Trader?

How to Become a Professional Trader?

Becoming a professional trader in the dynamic world of financial markets is a goal shared by many enthusiastic investors and individuals. However, the path to achieving a professional status in trading, especially in the forex market, is not without challenges.

A professional trader is someone who has honed their skills, developed strong trading strategies, and mastered the art of navigating market complexities. In this article with Brokerland, we explore the meaning of being a professional trader, the distinguishing features that set them apart, and provide practical insights on how to begin the journey of becoming a trader.

Who is a professional trader?

A professional trader in the forex market is someone who has dedicated themselves to trading currencies as their primary source of income, rather than part-time trading for profit. They demonstrate consistency and expertise in navigating the complexities of the forex market.

These individuals typically possess a combination of experience, skills, and knowledge that distinguishes them from amateurs. Professional traders often have a deep understanding of market principles, technical and fundamental analysis, price action, and risk management principles honed through years of practice and study.

One distinguishing feature of a professional trader is their ability to profit from activities based on a consistent approach, regardless of market conditions. They have a track record of success and often achieve higher returns compared to average market participants. Professional traders approach trading with discipline and adhere to a well-defined trading journal and plan, which includes clear entry and exit strategies, strict risk management rules, and a focus on capital preservation in the long term.

Professionals also tend to commit full-time to trading and view it as a profession rather than a hobby or part-time endeavor. They dedicate significant time and effort to analyzing market trends, researching trading opportunities, and refining their strategies through testing them with backtesting or using strategy testers.

Professional traders often have access to advanced trading tools such as Ichimoku equilibrium trading, pivot point indicators, RTM price action style, Smart Money method, or even forex trading with AI or GANN theory, research resources, and market data that they use to gain a competitive edge in the markets.

Who is a professional trader?

Examples of professional traders in forex include managers of hedge funds, proprietary traders at financial institutions, and independent traders with a proven track record and established reputation in the industry.

These individuals have demonstrated the skills, experience, and discipline necessary for success as pro traders in the competitive world of forex trading, setting them apart from amateur traders who may lack the same level of commitment, expertise, and stability.

What is the difference between a professional and amateur trader?

Professional traders and amateurs differ in several key aspects:

Experience and skill: Professional traders typically have years of experience and a deep understanding of financial markets, trading strategies, risk management techniques, and market dynamics. They often undergo rigorous forex learning to enhance their skills. On the other hand, amateurs may have limited experience and knowledge, often relying on intuition or basic trading principles without a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of the trading world.

Trading approach: Professional traders approach trading in a systematic and disciplined manner. They develop trading plans and adhere to them, conduct thorough analysis before making decisions, and consistently follow their risk management rules. Amateurs may be more prone to impulsive or emotional decision-making based on FOMO or fear, greed, or overconfidence, which can lead to inconsistent results and losses.

Risk management: Pro traders prioritize risk management and capital preservation. They carefully manage their positions, set appropriate stop-loss orders to prevent stop hunting, and use proper position sizing to limit potential losses and avoid stop out and margin calls. Professional traders understand the importance of capital preservation in the long term.

Amateurs may overlook risk management principles, risk excessive capital in trades, or neglect to use stop-loss orders, which can lead to significant losses and account blowouts.

Resources and tools: Professional traders often have access to advanced tools, research resources, and market data. They may use sophisticated trading platforms, connect their accounts to MQL website, employ algorithmic trading systems, forex expert advisors, and custom indicators to gain a competitive edge in the markets. Amateurs may have limited access to such resources and rely on basic tools and free online information, which may not provide them with a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics.

Mindset and discipline: Professional traders have a disciplined mindset and focus on long-term success. They understand that trading is a marathon, not a sprint, and are willing to dedicate the necessary time and effort to achieve their goals. They remain calm and composed during market fluctuations and kill zones and stick to their trading plans. Amateurs may lack the discipline and patience required for successful trading, often succumbing to emotional biases or chasing quick profits without proper planning or preparation.

What is the difference between a professional and amateur trader?

Generally, while both professional traders and amateurs participate in financial markets, differences in experience, approach, risk management, resources, and mindset distinguish their ability for sustained profitability from trading activities.

How to Become a Professional Trader?

Becoming professional in trading is a journey that requires time, education, practice, and discipline. Here is a comprehensive guide along with some tips to help you on the path to becoming a professional trader:

  1. Educate Yourself: Start by gaining a comprehensive understanding of the forex market, including its mechanics, participants, types of currency pairs in forex, and factors influencing exchange rates. Begin your journey to becoming a professional trader by learning basic trading concepts such as technical analysis, sentiment analysis, fundamental analysis, and risk management principles. Study core trading concepts like pips and lots in forex, balance and equity, margin, leverage, slippage, or swaps. There are numerous resources available, including books, courses, webinars, and online tutorials that can help you learn the fundamentals of forex trading and become a professional trader.
  2. Create a Trading Plan: Create a precise trading plan that defines your trading goals, risk tolerance, trading strategy, and money management rules. Your trading plan should include criteria for entering and exiting trades, as well as guidelines for position sizing and risk management. Having a well-defined trading plan will help you stay disciplined and focused during the trading process.
  3. Practice with a Demo Account: Before risking real money, practice trading on a demo account to gain experience and test your trading strategy in a risk-free environment. Most forex brokers including Windsor Broker, IronFX, LiteForex, OpoFinance, Amarkets, OmegaFinex, and Capital Extend all offer demo accounts that allow you to trade with virtual money using real-time market data. Use this opportunity to refine your trading skills, experiment with different strategies, and gain confidence in your ability to execute effective trades as a professional trader.
  4. Start Small: When you’re ready to start trading with real money, begin with a small account and only risk a small percentage of your capital in each trade. This will help you manage risk and minimize losses while gaining experience and building confidence in your trading abilities. As you become more adaptable and profitable as a professional trader, you can gradually increase your capital and position size.
  5. Continuous Learning and Improvement: The forex market is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay updated on market developments, forex news, and trading strategies. By reading books, participating in webinars, following market analysis, and learning from experienced traders, continuously educate yourself and become a professional trader. Maintain a forex statement to track your trades, analyze performance, and identify areas for improvement.
  6. Effectively Manage Risk: Risk management is crucial for long-term success in forex trading. Never risk more than you can afford to lose on any trade, and use stop-loss orders to limit your losses. Additionally, to reduce overall risk, diversify your trading portfolio by trading multiple currency pairs and asset classes such as cryptocurrency or indices such as US dollar index or NASDAQ. As a professional trader, stick to your trading plan and avoid emotional decisions like chasing losses or deviating from your strategy during periods of market volatility.
  7. Stay Disciplined and Patient: Successful forex trading as a professional trader requires discipline, patience, and emotional control. Stick to your trading plan, remain patient during periods of capital drawdowns or consolidation, and avoid emotional decisions based on fear or greed. Stay focused on your long-term goals and have confidence in your trading strategy, even during periods of market uncertainty or turmoil.

By following these tips and committing to continuous learning and improvement, you can increase your chances of becoming a professional trader in forex. Remember that success in forex trading requires time, effort, and perseverance, so stay motivated and never stop learning.


Becoming a professional trader in the forex market is a journey that requires dedication, education, practice, and discipline. This path is not for the faint-hearted, but for those willing to invest time and effort, the rewards can be significant. With continuous self-education, creating a strong trading plan, practicing with a demo account, effective risk management, and staying disciplined and patient, you can increase your chances of success in the competitive world of forex trading.

Remember, becoming a professional trader is not an overnight achievement, but rather a gradual process of growth and refinement. With perseverance and dedication, you can turn your passion for trading into a rewarding and fulfilling career.

Nasdaq Composite Index Overview

Nasdaq Composite Index Overview

The NASDAQ Composite Index is one of the most famous indices in the financial world, often associated with technology and growth stocks. Understanding this index is crucial for traders and investors seeking to navigate the dynamic landscape of the stock market. In this article by Brokerland to learn forex trading, we’ll introduce the NASDAQ index, its history, components, and how it influences trading decisions. We’ll also review trading strategies for trading it with Brokerland.

Introduction to the NASDAQ Composite Index

Perhaps the most recognizable name among indices in the trading world after the US Dollar Index is the NASDAQ, which is offered for trading by almost every forex broker, such as USGFX, LiteForex, Alpari, OmegaFinex, Fibo Group, and others. The NASDAQ Composite Index is a stock market index that reflects the performance of a wide spectrum of stocks listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Founded in 1971, it has become synonymous with technology and growth stocks, although it includes companies from various sectors. Unlike some other indices that focus on specific industries or market capitalization levels, the NASDAQ Composite Index encompasses nearly all stocks listed on the exchange, making it a comprehensive measure of market performance.

One notable feature of the NASDAQ Composite Index is its heavy weighting towards technology companies. Tech giants like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook), Alphabet (Google), and Tesla are among its largest constituents.

However, the index also includes companies from sectors such as healthcare, consumer discretionary, and industrials, reflecting the diverse nature of the NASDAQ exchange. This composition makes this index particularly sensitive to developments in the technology sector and market trends towards growth stocks.

The NASDAQ Composite Index is market-capitalization weighted, meaning that companies with higher market capitalization have a greater impact on its movements. This weighting ensures that changes in the stock prices of larger companies have a more significant effect on the index’s value compared to smaller companies.

As a result, the performance of tech giants like Apple or Microsoft can heavily influence the trajectory of the this index as a whole. This dynamic nature of the index makes it a popular choice for traders and investors seeking exposure to the technology sector or gauging the overall health of the stock market.

Introduction to the NASDAQ Composite Index

In general, the NASDAQ Composite Index plays a significant role as a broader gauge of the stock market, offering insights into the performance of technology, growth, and other sectors listed on the exchange. Its comprehensive coverage, heavy weighting towards technology companies, and market-capitalization weighting methodology make it a valuable tool for traders, investors, and financial analysts, providing a picture of market health and inclination towards growth-oriented stocks.

Components of the NASDAQ Composite Index

The components of the NASDAQ Composite Index represent a diverse spectrum of companies listed on the stock exchange. While the index is heavily weighted towards technology companies, it includes companies from various sectors. Some key components include:

  • Technology companies: Technology giants like Apple Inc. (AAPL), Microsoft Corporation (MSFT), Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN), Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook) (FB), Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL), and Intel Corporation (INTC) are among the largest constituents of the index. These companies are leaders in their respective fields, driving innovation and shaping the digital landscape.
  • Biotechnology and healthcare: The NASDAQ Composite Index also features prominent biotechnology and healthcare companies, reflecting the importance of this sector in the modern economy. Biotech companies such as Amgen Inc. (AMGN), Gilead Sciences Inc. (GILD), and Biogen Inc. (BIIB) are significant components of the index, contributing to its overall performance.
  • Consumer discretionary: Companies in the consumer discretionary sector, which includes businesses offering non-essential goods and services, are also represented in the NASDAQ Composite Index. Retail giants like Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN), which operates both as a technology and retail company, and companies like Tesla, Inc. (TSLA), known for their electric vehicles, fall into this category.
  • Financial services: While this Composite Index is not as heavily weighted towards financial services as some other indices, it still includes notable players in this sector. Companies like PayPal Holdings, Inc. (PYPL) and Intuit Inc. (INTU), which provide financial technology solutions, are part of this index.

Additionally, the NASDAQ Composite Index encompasses companies from sectors such as industrials, telecommunications, consumer goods, and others. Examples include Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) in the automotive industry and Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (ZM) in the telecommunications sector.

These are just a few examples of the diverse components that make up the NASDAQ, which, in general, exposes it to a wide range of industries and companies, turning it into a comprehensive measure of the performance of the NASDAQ stock exchange and the US stock market.

Market-Capitalization Weighting in NASDAQ

The NASDAQ Composite Index is effectively market-capitalization weighted. This means that companies listed in the index are weighted based on their market capitalization, which is the total value of a company’s outstanding shares. In a market-capitalization-weighted index like the NASDAQ, companies with higher market capitalization have a greater impact on the index’s movements.

Practically, this means that the largest companies by market capitalization exert a greater influence on this Index. For example, if a company like Apple or Microsoft, with massive market capitalization, experiences a significant increase or decrease in its stock price, it will have a more significant impact on the NASDAQ index compared to a smaller company with lower market capitalization.

Market-Capitalization Weighting in NASDAQ

The market-capitalization weighting method reflects the relative importance of individual companies in the index, aligning with the notion that larger companies usually have a greater influence on the overall stock market due to their size and reach. As a result, the NASDAQ Composite Index is often regarded as a barometer of the performance of leading technology and growth companies, given their predominant representation and market value in the index.

Trading Strategies for the NASDAQ Composite Index

Trading the NASDAQ Composite Index requires a strategic approach tailored to the unique characteristics and dynamics of the market. While it’s true that for trading any currency pair, index, or cryptocurrency from Ethereum to Bitcoin to Solana and other altcoins, one can employ any preferred strategy such as Smart Money and Scalping, some strategies may be more effective and suitable for each case.

Just as we’ve explored suitable strategies for trading in the Kill Zones or part-time trading in forex, here are some trading strategies commonly used by traders and investors to capitalize on opportunities presented by the NASDAQ Composite Index:

Trend Following: Trend following is a popular strategy among traders aiming to invest in stable price trends in the Index. Traders identify the dominant trend (upward or downward) using technical analysis tools such as moving averages, trendlines, and various forex indicators, particularly momentum indicators like pivot point indicator. They then enter trades in the direction of the trend, buying during uptrends and selling during downtrends. Trend following requires discipline and patience to ride out fluctuations and profit from trends.

Breakout Trading: Breakout trades involve identifying key support and resistance levels on the forex chart and entering trades when the price breaks out of these levels. Breakouts can occur after consolidation periods or range-bound trading and often signal the beginning of a new trend or movement in the market. Traders can use indicators like Bollinger Bands, volatility measures, and volume indicators to confirm breakout signals and effectively manage risk. Care should be taken to watch out for fake breakouts to avoid getting trapped.

Range Trading: Given the NASDAQ Composite Index’s reputation for volatility, some traders specialize in range trading strategies to profit from price oscillations. Options trading, in particular, provides opportunities to invest in volatility by buying options to benefit from price changes or selling options for profit when volatility is high.

Mean Reversion: The goal of mean reversion trading strategies is to capitalize on short-term price reversals or corrections in the NASDAQ Composite Index. Traders identify overbought or oversold conditions using technical indicators like the RSI indicator, stochastic oscillator, or Bollinger Bands. When the index price deviates significantly from its averages or historical levels, traders anticipate a mean reversion and enter contrarian trades to profit from price corrections.

Fundamental Analysis: Investors may employ fundamental analysis to assess the fundamental value and growth outlook of individual companies in the Index. By analyzing factors such as earnings growth, revenue forecasts, inflation rates, competitive positioning, and industry trends, investors can make informed decisions about buying, holding, or selling stocks. Fundamental analysis provides a long-term perspective on investing, focusing on the intrinsic value of companies rather than short-term price movements.

Trading Strategies for the NASDAQ Composite Index

It’s important to note that no trading strategy guarantees success, and traders should carefully evaluate their risk tolerance, investment objectives, and market conditions before implementing any strategy. Additionally, traders may combine multiple strategies, conduct backtesting before use, or test them using a MetaTrader strategy tester and adapt them based on evolving market conditions to optimize their trading approach and achieve their financial goals. Continuous education, risk management, and discipline are key components of successful trading in the NASDAQ index.

Key Factors Affecting NASDAQ Performance

Several key factors influence the performance of the NASDAQ index and shape its movements and direction. Understanding these factors is essential for traders and investors seeking to interpret and predict changes in the index’s value. Here are some of the main factors influencing index performance:

  • Technological Innovation: The NASDAQ index places a strong emphasis on technology companies and is particularly sensitive to advancements and innovations in this sector. Developments such as the introduction of new products, innovative technologies, and changes in consumer preferences can significantly impact the performance of technology stocks and, consequently, the NASDAQ index as a whole.
  • Economic Indicators: The release of economic data, such as GDP growth, employment figures, unemployment rates, consumer spending, and manufacturing output, plays a crucial role in influencing investor sentiment and market direction, as we discussed in sentimental analysis. Positive economic indicators can increase confidence in corporate earnings outlook and economic growth, support stock prices, and boost the NASDAQ index.
  • Interest Rates and Monetary Policy: Policy decisions by central banks, especially the Federal Reserve in the United States, have a significant impact on the index. Changes in interest rates, inflation expectations, and monetary policy stance can affect borrowing costs, corporate profitability, and investor risk appetite, leading to changes in stock prices and market sentiment.
  • Market Sentiment and Investor Behavior: Investor sentiment, market psychology, and risk perception also play a significant role in shaping the index performance. Factors such as geopolitical tensions, conflicts, corporate earnings reports, and global events can influence investor sentiment, leading to stock price fluctuations and market volatility.
  • Regulatory Environment: Changes in regulatory policies and government interventions can affect specific industries or companies within the index. Regulatory developments related to antitrust, data privacy, intellectual property rights, and environmental regulations can impact business operations, profitability, and market valuations, consequently affecting NASDAQ performance.
  • Global Events and Geopolitical Risks: Geopolitical events such as geopolitical tensions, trade negotiations, diplomatic relations, and geopolitical conflicts can create uncertainty and volatility in financial markets. Global economic conditions, currency fluctuations, and international trade dynamics also influence investor sentiment and market performance, impacting the NASDAQ index.

Overall, these key factors interact in complex ways to influence NASDAQ performance. Traders and investors should stay informed about economic developments, market trends, and geopolitical risks to make informed decisions and effectively navigate the dynamic stock market landscape.


The NASDAQ index serves as a vital barometer in the broader stock market, especially for technology and growth-oriented sectors. Traders and investors can leverage their understanding of index components, market dynamics, and trading strategies to navigate the complexities of financial markets and potentially capitalize on profit opportunities.

In this comprehensive article with BrokerLand, we have endeavored to not only introduce the components of the NASDAQ index but also educate you on trading strategies to use it effectively. We hope it has been helpful.

Backtesting : How to Backtest Expert Advisors

Backtesting : How to Backtest Expert Advisors

In the constantly evolving world of forex trading, success often depends on the ability to make informed decisions based on past data and market insights. Amidst the complexities of financial markets, backtesting emerges as a powerful tool for traders seeking to refine their strategies, manage risks, and ultimately enhance their profitability.

By simulating trading strategies against historical market data, backtesting provides valuable insights into the performance and sustainability of trading approaches to traders. In this article from BrokerLand, we delve into the intricacies of how to backtest Expert Advisor in forex trading, exploring its significance, advantages, and how traders can effectively utilize this tool to optimize their trading strategies and navigate the dynamic landscape of currency markets.

What is Backtesting?

Backtesting is a process used across various fields, particularly in finance and trading, to evaluate the performance of a trading strategy or investment model using historical data. This process involves applying a set of trading rules or criteria to past market data to simulate the performance of a strategy under those past conditions.

The primary goal to backtest expert advisors is to assess the sustainability and effectiveness of a trading strategy by analyzing performance metrics such as profitability, risk-adjusted returns, win rates, maximum drawdown, and other relevant indicators. Traders and investors can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of their strategies, identify potential risks, and make informed decisions about deploying them in live trading environments.

Essentially, backtesting serves as a tool for validating trading strategies and allows traders to evaluate the robustness and reliability of their trading systems before risking real capital in financial markets. This helps traders refine and optimize their strategies, improve risk management practices, and ultimately increase the likelihood of achieving consistent profits over time.

How to Backtest Expert Advisor

Backtest Expert Advisor typically involves the following stages:

  • Data Selection: Traders select historical data relevant to the assets or markets they trade. This data usually includes price information (such as open, high, low, close prices), volume, and other relevant indicators.
  • Strategy Development: Traders define a set of trading rules, entry and exit criteria, risk management parameters, and other relevant factors that form the basis of their trading strategy.
  • Simulation: Traders apply the defined trading rules to the selected data to simulate trading under specified timeframes. Entry and exit points for each trade, position sizes, and other relevant details are recorded.
  • Performance Analysis: After completing the simulation, traders analyze the results to evaluate the performance of the strategy. They assess key metrics such as profitability, drawdown, Sharpe ratio, win rate, and others to evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of the strategy for live trading.
  • Optimization and Iteration: Based on insights gained from the backtesting process, traders may adjust their trading strategies by fine-tuning parameters, adding new rules, or removing ineffective elements. This iterative process continues until satisfactory results are achieved.

How to Backtest Expert Advisor

It’s important to note that while backtesting provides valuable insights into the performance of a strategy, it does not guarantee future success. Market conditions and forex news are constantly changing, and past performance may not necessarily reflect future results. Therefore, traders should use it in conjunction with other forms of analysis and risk management techniques for informed decision-making in their trades.

Generally, backtesting is a vital part of developing trading strategies that enables traders to evaluate and refine their strategies with the aim of achieving consistent profitability in financial markets.

What are the Benefits and Importance of Backtesting?

It offers several advantages and holds significant importance for traders and investors in various financial markets. Here are some key benefits and reasons why this practice is essential and highly important:

Performance Evaluation: Backtesting allows traders to objectively evaluate the historical performance of their trading strategies. By analyzing metrics such as profitability, risk-adjusted returns, win rate, and maximum drawdown, traders can gain insights into how well their strategies have performed under past market conditions.

Risk Management: It helps traders identify potential risks associated with their trading strategies. By analyzing historical drawdowns and fluctuations, traders can assess the level of risk of their strategies and adjust risk management parameters accordingly to mitigate potential losses.

Strategy Validation: Backtesting serves as a tool for validating trading strategies before deploying them in live trading environments. By simulating trades based on historical data, traders can assess the robustness and reliability of their strategies and ensure they are based on sound principles with a high probability of success.

Optimization: It enables traders to optimize their trading strategies by fine-tuning parameters, adjusting entry and exit criteria, or incorporating new rules based on insights from past performance. This iterative process allows traders to improve the profitability and efficiency of their strategies over time.

Confidence Building: Successful backtesting results can boost traders’ confidence in their strategies and decision-making processes. By demonstrating a strategy’s ability to generate profits in historical market conditions, it instills the belief in traders to execute trades with discipline and conviction.

Learning and Education: Backtesting provides valuable learning opportunities for traders to understand market dynamics, experiment with new ideas, and gain practical experience in developing and executing strategies. Like a trading journal, it allows traders to learn from past mistakes, improve their skills, and enhance their trading journey.

Market Adaptation: It helps traders adapt their strategies to changing market conditions by analyzing their performance across different market cycles. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of their strategies in various market phases, traders can make informed adjustments to optimize performance.

Time Efficiency: Backtesting allows traders to efficiently evaluate multiple trading strategies or variations thereof. Instead of relying on trial and error in live trading, traders can use historical data to quickly test different ideas and iterate on them to find the most effective approaches.

How to Perform Backtesting in Forex

Expert Advisor (EA) backtest in forex involves simulating the performance of forex expert advisors using historical market data. Most trading platforms, especially those designed for forex trading, offer built-in backtesting capabilities that allow traders to test their EAs against historical data. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to backtest expert advisor in forex:

How to Perform Backtesting in Forex

  1. Choose a trading platform: Select a trading platform that supports expert backtesting. Popular platforms like MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 are widely used by Forex traders and offer robust capabilities.
  2. Install the expert: If you haven’t done this before, install the EA you want to backtest on your trading platform. EAs are usually coded in MetaQuotes language (MQL) for MT4 and MT5 platforms. You can either write your own EA or download from a reputable source.
  3. Access the strategy tester: Most trading platforms have an internal strategy tester tool specifically designed for these purposes. In MetaTrader platforms, you can access the strategy tester by clicking on the “View” menu and selecting “Strategy Tester” or by pressing Ctrl + R.
  4. Select the expert and parameters: In the Strategy Tester window, select the EA you want to backtest. Adjust the parameters to backtest expert advisor, including currency pairs, time frames, initial deposit, leverage, and any other relevant settings.
  5. Choose historical data: Select the range of historical data to backtest expert advisor. You can specify the start and end dates or choose from predefined periods. Make sure the historical data reflects market conditions in which you intend to trade.
  6. Set test mode and model: Choose the test mode (e.g., “Every Tick” for the most accurate results or “Open Prices Only” for faster testing) and modeling quality (e.g., “Tick” for more precise results based on tick data).
  7. Start the backtest: After configuring all settings, click the “Start” button to start to backtest expert advisor. The platform simulates the performance of the EA based on the selected historical data and parameters.
  8. Monitor results: During the Forex backtesting, monitor the results in real-time, including equity curve, profit and loss (P&L), drawdown, and other relevant metrics. Pay attention to how the EA performs in different market conditions and whether it meets your performance criteria.
  9. Analyze results: After completing the backtest, analyze the results to evaluate the performance of the EA. Key metrics such as profitability, drawdown, win rate, risk-adjusted return, and others should be assessed to determine the effectiveness of the strategy.
  10. Optimize and refine: Based on the backtest results, optimize and refine the EA by adjusting parameters, modifying trading rules, or incorporating additional filters to improve performance.
  11. Repeat: To confirm the effectiveness of the EA in various market conditions, perform multiple backtests with different settings and parameter changes. Ensure that the strategy is consistently reliable over time.

By following these steps, you can effectively test an expert in Forex and gain valuable insights into its performance before using it in live trading. Remember that it is just one step in the strategy development process and should be complemented with forward testing, risk management, and continuous optimization for long-term success.


Forex backtesting serves as the foundation for developing Forex trading strategies and provides traders with a systematic, data-driven approach to evaluating the performance and sustainability of their trading approaches. By using historical market data, traders can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of their strategies, identify potential risks, and refine their trading approaches to improve profitability and stability.

While this alone does not guarantee success in financial markets, it serves as an important step in becoming a successful trader. By integrating backtesting into their trading processes and adopting a systematic and iterative approach to strategy development, traders can increase their chances of achieving long-term success in the dynamic and competitive world of Forex trading.

FX Swap Definition : What is a Forex Swap?

FX Swap Definition : What is a Forex Swap?

Forex trading involves buying and selling currencies simultaneously, and traders enter this market to profit from currency rate fluctuations. However, Forex also involves complexities and various mechanisms that traders must understand, such as the concept of FX swaps.

A Forex swap is a vital aspect that affects the cost of holding positions overnight. It’s a mechanism used by Forex brokers to manage interest rate risks associated with maintaining Forex positions overnight, especially in leveraged trading scenarios. In this  article to learn Forex trading, we delve into the concept of Forex swaps, how they work, their purpose, calculation methods, and practical concepts for traders.

What is a FX Swap?

A Forex swap, also known as currency swap or FX swap, is a financial derivative where two parties exchange currencies for a specified period. This exchange includes the principal amount and the interest rate related to the traded currencies.

Swaps typically refer to overnight profit or financing costs that traders incur or earn for holding overnight positions and are used to reconcile the interest rate difference between the traded currencies.

Role of Swaps

The purpose of FX swaps encompasses several key functions that facilitate smoother and more efficient trading operations. Below are its key objectives:

Interest Rate Management: Forex Swaps are used to manage and hedge against interest rate fluctuations between different currencies. This is particularly important for traders and investors with international portfolios or engaged in cross-border transactions.

Rotation and Continuation of Positions: One of the primary objectives of swaps in trading is to facilitate the continuation and rotation of positions beyond the standard settlement period of the cash market (usually two business days). In Forex leveraged trading, where positions are often held overnight or for longer periods, FX swaps allow traders to increase their positions without the need to close and reopen trades, thus preventing potential disruptions and additional costs.

What is a FX Swap?

Cost Considerations: Forex Swaps reflect the cost or benefit of holding an overnight position based on prevailing interest rates in the traded currencies. This is known as “Carry Considerations.” The swap rate applied by brokers indicates the interest rate difference between two currencies in a currency pair. Traders should consider these costs when holding overnight positions as they directly impact their profitability.

Risk Management: Another important objective of FX swaps is risk management, helping traders reduce risks associated with currency and interest rate fluctuations.

Facilitating Carry Trades: Carry trades involve borrowing funds in a currency with low interest rates and investing in a currency with higher interest rates to capture the interest rate difference (carry). Forex swaps enable traders to participate in these trades by providing a mechanism to manage interest rate-related to maintaining positions in different currencies.

Central Bank Operations: FX swaps are also used by central banks as a monetary policy tool to manage domestic currency liquidity and stabilize currency markets. Central banks use swaps to intervene in currency markets, provide liquidity to commercial banks, and influence interest rates. These operations play a crucial role in maintaining financial stability and supporting economic objectives.

Calculating Forex Swaps

Calculating swaps involves determining the financing costs or credits associated with holding overnight positions in the currency markets, calculated based on the interest rate difference between the traded currency pairs and the size of the position. Depending on whether you have a long (buy) or short (sell) position, the process may vary slightly. The general formula for calculating the FX swap rate is as follows:

swap = trade size × swap rate × number of days


  • Trade Size: The size of the position you are trading, usually expressed in standard lot in Forex (for example, 1 standard lot = 100,000 units of the base currency).
  • Swap Rate: The interest rate difference between two currencies in the currency pair you are trading. This can be obtained from your broker’s trading platform.
  • Number of Days: The number of days you hold the overnight position. This is usually one standard day for most brokers, but may vary depending on the broker and currency pair.


Suppose you are trading 1 standard lot (100,000 units) of EUR/USD, and the FX swap point for long positions (buying EUR/USD) is -0.5 points. The current swap rate for EUR/USD is 1.2000.

Calculating the swap rate:

Swap Rate = -0.5 points × 100,000

Swap Rate = -50 euros

Converting the rate to account currency:

If your account currency is USD and the current EUR/USD rate is 1.2000:

Swap Rate in USD = -50 EUR × 1.2000

Swap Rate in USD = -60 USD

Therefore, you would incur or receive a swap cost of $60 for holding an overnight long EUR/USD position.

Important Considerations Regarding FX Swaps

  • Swap rates can vary daily based on changes in interest rates and market conditions.
  • Brokers may adjust swap rates for specific currency pairs or during specific market events.
  • FX Swap rates are typically applied at 5:00 PM New York time (market rollover time).
    Checking your broker’s swap rates and policies, like discussing their slippage policies, is essential as they can significantly impact the cost of holding overnight positions. With an understanding of how Forex swaps are calculated, traders can effectively manage their trading costs and incorporate these considerations into their overall trading strategies.

Important Considerations Regarding Forex Swaps

Is the swap rate the same across different brokers?

No, the swap rate in Forex can vary between different brokers in the Forex market and is influenced by various factors including the broker’s liquidity providers, their internal policies, prevailing interest rates, market conditions, and other considerations. Here are reasons why the FX swap rate may differ among brokers:

Liquidity Providers and Market Conditions

Brokers source liquidity from various providers such as banks, financial institutions, and liquidity pools. The Forex swap rates offered by these liquidity providers may vary based on market conditions, interest rate differentials, and liquidity dynamics in the interbank market. Therefore, brokers may pass on these differences in the form of different swap rates to their clients.

Broker Markup or Commission on Swaps

Some brokers may add a markup or commission to the FX swap rate as part of their fee structure. This markup can vary among different brokers and may contribute to differences in the swap rates offered to traders.

Forex Swaps and Currency Pair Interest Rate Differences

This difference is essentially influenced by the interest rate differential between two currencies in a currency pair. Since interest rates can vary between different countries and change over time, brokers may adjust Forex swap rates based on the specific currency pairs being traded.

Risk Management and Broker Policies

Brokers have their risk management policies and considerations that can impact swap rates. Factors such as client trading volume, market risk exposure, and overall risk tolerance can influence how brokers determine and adjust swap rates for their clients.

Market Volatility and Economic Events

Forex Swap can be influenced by market volatility and significant economic events. During periods of increased volatility or major Forex news releases, brokers may adjust swap rates to manage risks and respond to market conditions.

Importance of Comparing Forex Swap Rates

Given the potential variations in FX swap rates among brokers, it’s important for traders to compare swap rates when selecting a broker or evaluating trading costs. A lower Forex swap can reduce the cost of holding positions overnight, especially for traders engaging in carry trades or long-term strategies that require maintaining positions for extended periods.

Traders should also consider other factors such as trading costs, forex spreads, execution quality, regulations, and customer services when choosing a broker. It’s advisable to review the rates and policies of brokers before opening an account to ensure they align with your trading strategy and goals. All the best and safest brokers available to brokers, including Alpari, OmegaFinex, USGFX, Fibo group, LiteForex, Orbex, and many others, have been compared in Brokerland website, allowing you to easily conduct the necessary research and evaluations in this regard.


Forex Swaps play a vital role in the global currency markets, enabling traders to manage interest rate risks and extend trading positions beyond the standard cash market settlement period. Understanding how FX swaps work is crucial for traders to effectively manage costs, execute strategies, and navigate the complexities of overnight trading in the Forex market.

Because swap rates may vary among brokers, it’s an important consideration for traders participating in overnight positions in the Forex market. Understanding how swap rates are determined and comparing rates among brokers can help traders optimize their trading costs and overall trading experience.

What is Scalping? The best brokers for Scalp Trading

What is Scalping? The best brokers for Scalp Trading

In the dynamic world of forex trading, various strategies are employed by traders to capitalize on short-term price movements. One of these strategies is scalping, which involves making quick trades to capture small price changes. This article from Brokerland to learn forex examines scalp trading in forex, defining it, discussing techniques, advantages, risks, and considerations for traders.

What is Scalping?

Scalping in forex refers to a strategy where traders aim to profit from small price movements by entering and exiting trades rapidly. Unlike long-term trading approaches, scalp trading involves holding positions for very short periods, sometimes just seconds or minutes. The goal of this method is to accumulate small profits from numerous trades throughout the day. Scalpers typically target currency pairs with high liquidity and low spreads, allowing them to execute fast trades and capitalize on small price differences.

Key features of scalping include using short time frames like tick charts or one-minute charts to identify rapid price movements. Scalpers heavily rely on forex indicators such as moving averages, RSI, or MACD for quick decision-making in trades. They also use stop-loss orders to manage risk and protect against adverse price changes. This trading strategy requires intense focus, quick decision-making, and a disciplined approach to trading execution.

Scalp trading Techniques in Forex

Scalping in forex requires specific techniques to effectively capitalize on short-term price movements. Here are key techniques commonly used by scalpers:

Choosing the right currency pair: Scalpers typically focus on currency pairs with high liquidity and low spreads. Common choices include major pairs like EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, as well as currency pairs with tight bid-ask spreads to minimize transaction costs.

Scalp trading Techniques in Forex

Short Time Frames: Scalpers operate within very short time intervals, often using tick charts, one-minute charts, or five-minute charts. These short intervals allow them to observe rapid price movements and capitalize on quick fluctuations.

Technical Analysis Indicators: In scalp trading, decision-making heavily relies on technical analysis. Commonly used indicators include:

  • Moving averages: Identifying trends and potential entry/exit points based on moving average crossovers or jumps.
  • RSI (Relative Strength Index): Recognizing overbought or oversold conditions to predict reversals.
  • MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): Providing forex signals for movement changes and trade setups.
  • Bollinger Bands: Identifying price fluctuations and potential price breaks.

Strategies: Below are strategies used in scalp trading:

  • Range Trading: Buying at support levels and selling at resistance levels within a limited price range.
  • Breakout Trading: Entering trades when prices break above or below key levels, aiming for quick profits. Watch out for fake breakouts in this method.
  • Fading: Trading against the trend based on overbought or oversold conditions indicated by indicators.

Fast Execution: Scalpers use fast and reliable trading platforms like TradingView, MetaTrader 5, and MetaTrader 4 with direct market access to ensure swift order execution. This is crucial as scalpers need to enter and exit trades quickly to benefit from small price differences.

Tight Stop-Loss Orders: Due to the short duration of trades, scalpers use tight stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and protect capital. Stop-loss levels are set based on drawing support and resistance levels or technical indicator signals.

Market Sentiment Monitoring: Scalpers often pay attention to market sentiments and forex news releases that can impact short-term price movements. Sudden market changes or unexpected news announcements on interest rates, inflation, and unemployment rates can affect scalping strategies, making staying informed essential.

Risk Management: Effective risk management is vital for scalpers. They often limit the size of their positions relative to their account size and follow an appropriate risk/reward ratio. The goal of scalp trading is to maintain a high win rate with small profits per trade and offset potential losses.

Risk Management

With mastery of these techniques and strategies, scalpers can navigate short-term, high-speed trading environments in forex markets. It’s important to note that scalping requires discipline, decisiveness, and a strong understanding of technical analysis. Traders interested in this method should practice these techniques in a demo account, available with various forex brokers, before using them in live trades to build confidence and refine their skills.

Advantages and Positive Points

Scalp trading offers several advantages for forex traders:

  1. Frequent Trading Opportunities: Scalpers can execute multiple trades in a day and capitalize on numerous short-term price fluctuations.
  2. Reduced Market Exposure: Since trades are held for short periods, scalpers are less exposed to overnight market risks and unexpected news events.
  3. Quick Profits: Scalping targets small price changes, allowing traders to continuously accumulate profits throughout the day.
  4. Drawdown: With tight stop-loss orders, scalpers can control potential losses and manage risk effectively.

Disadvantages and Challenges of Scalp Trading

Despite its appeal, this strategy comes with inherent risks and challenges:

  1. High Transaction Costs: Frequent trading incurs higher transaction costs due to spreads and commissions, which can eat into profits.
  2. Intense Focus and Stress: Scalp trading requires constant attention and quick decision-making, leading to psychological stress and fatigue.
  3. Execution Risks: Rapid market movements or slippage can impact execution and potentially lead to unexpected losses.
  4. Limited Profit Potential per Trade: In scalping, traders aim for small profits per trade, which may restrict overall profit potential compared to long-term trading strategies.

What Makes a Good Broker for Scalp Trading?

Choosing a suitable broker is crucial for success in scalping due to the specific requirements of this trading strategy. Here are key factors a good broker for scalping should have:

Low Spreads: Scalpers aim to profit from small price movements, so the broker should offer tight spreads on major currency pairs. Low spreads reduce trading costs and allow scalpers to enter and exit trades frequently without significant slippage affecting profitability.

Fast Order Execution: A good broker for scalp trading should provide fast and reliable order execution. This means orders should be executed quickly without delays or re-quotes, ensuring that scalpers can capitalize on fleeting market opportunities.

What is Scalping?

Execution without a dealing desk (NDD): Brokers offering NDD execution route trades directly to liquidity providers, reducing the likelihood of conflicts of interest and minimizing execution delays. NDD brokers often provide faster order processing, which is beneficial for scalpers.

Minimum Slippage: Slippage occurs when the executed price differs from the expected price due to market fluctuations or delays. A good broker for scalp trading should have systems in place to minimize slippage and ensure that trades are executed close to desired prices.

Suitable Platform: The trading platform offered by the broker should be user-friendly, stable, and equipped with advanced features suitable for scalping. Look for platforms that support one-click trading, customizable charts, and real-time market data.

Liquidity Providers and Market Depth: Choose a broker that has access to deep liquidity from reputable liquidity providers. Deep liquidity helps ensure that orders are filled quickly and at desired prices, even during periods of high market volatility.

Regulations and Regulation: Choose a broker for scalp trading that is regulated by a reputable financial authority. Regulatory oversight helps protect traders’ funds and ensures fair trading practices. Additionally, the broker should provide strong security measures to protect accounts and customer data.

Transparent Fee Structure: A good broker should have a transparent fee structure without hidden costs. Consider factors such as spreads, commissions, overnight swap rates, and other fees to accurately assess trading costs.

Customer Support: Reliable customer support is essential for scalping trading, especially during active trading hours. Choose a broker that offers responsive customer support through multiple channels (e.g., live chat, phone, email) to quickly address any issues or questions.

Availability of Demo Account: Before depositing real funds, testing a broker’s services and trading conditions using a demo account is helpful. This allows scalpers to evaluate order execution speed, platform performance, and overall trading experience without risking capital.

Good Broker for Scalp Trading

Risk Management Tools: Some brokers offer advanced risk management tools such as Guaranteed Stop Loss Orders (GSLO) or protection against negative balance. These features can help reduce risks associated with fast markets and unstable price fluctuations in scalping.

Considering these factors and conducting thorough research, scalpers can identify a broker that aligns with their specific needs and preferences. If we take into account all the points mentioned above and want to name a few brokers for scalp trading that have all these features, surely Alpari‘s Pro-ECN account, LiteForex‘s ECN account, Fibo Group, standard commission-free account, or zero spread ECN pro account of OmegaFinex, and the ECN trading account with Ingot.

Considerations for Scalpers

Scalping can be rewarding but also challenging. To enhance success and effectively manage risks, it requires a detailed examination of several factors, which are important considerations for scalpers:

  • Choose the right broker: For supporting scalping activities, choose a broker with tight spreads, fast execution, and minimal slippage.
  • Utilize technology: Use trading platforms and tools that enable fast order execution and provide real-time market data.
  • Implement precise risk management: Set real profit targets in scalp trading and adhere to disciplined risk management strategies, including stop-loss orders and position sizing.
  • Continuous learning and adaptability: Stay updated with market developments, modify trading strategies, and adapt to changing market conditions.
  • Monitor trading costs: When evaluating the profitability of scalp trading, scrutinize brokerage costs accurately.

By considering these factors and incorporating them into your scalping approach, you can optimize your trading efficiency, effectively manage risks, and increase the likelihood of achieving consistent profits in the fast-paced forex world. Remember that patience, discipline, and continuous improvement are key to mastering this challenging trading strategy.


Scalping is a fast-paced forex trading strategy designed for short-term price fluctuations. While this approach offers frequent trading opportunities and quick profits, overcoming its inherent challenges requires discipline, focus, and effective risk management. Traders considering this trading strategy should carefully assess their trading style, market conditions, and technological resources to optimize their chances of success in this dynamic trading approach.

By understanding the subtle differences in scalping and implementing correct trading methodologies outlined in this Brokerland article, traders can harness its potential for generating consistent returns amid the fast-paced forex market landscape. However, it’s important to note that this method is not risk-free and may not be suitable for all traders, requiring a specific set of skills and conditions.

Binance Coin | Definition and Uses of BNB

Binance Coin | Definition and Uses of BNB

In the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrencies, Binance Coin (BNB) stands out as a token empowering the vibrant ecosystem on the Binance platform. Created by Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and the Binance team, BNB crypto was introduced in July 2017 with a vision to revolutionize how users interact with crypto assets and blockchain technology. Since its inception, BNB has evolved from a simple transaction fee discount token to a multi-faceted asset with diverse functionalities and widespread acceptance.

At Brokerland, across various educational articles on Forex and crypto, numerous concepts ranging from coin introductions to topics on Bitcoin mining, mining pools, or cloud mining have been covered. This article delves into the origins, objectives, applications, and evolving role of Binance Coin in the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem, elucidating its significance and impact in decentralized finance (DeFi), tokenomics, and blockchain innovation.

Join us as we explore the journey and evolution of BNB crypto and uncover the factors contributing to its unique position in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Introduction to Binance Coin

Binance Coin is a cryptocurrency created by Binance, one of the largest and best crypto exchanges in the world. Launched in July 2017, BNB initially started as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain before transitioning to Binance’s native blockchain, Binance Chain, with the launch of the Binance Mainnet in April 2019. Here’s a summary of the invention process and timeline of BNB:

Inception and ICO (Initial Coin Offering) of BNB Crypto

July 2017: Binance was founded by Changpeng Zhao, a prominent figure in the crypto industry. The platform quickly gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface, low transaction fees, and strong security features.

Within a few weeks of its launch, Binance announced its plans to introduce its native cryptocurrency, Binance Coin (BNB). The initial goal of BNB crypto was to facilitate transactions on the Binance platform and incentivize users through benefits and various tools.

Introduction to Binance Coin

Binance conducted an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) for BNB and issued 100 million tokens (out of a planned total supply of 200 million tokens) to investors and early supporters. The ICO took place from January 1st to July 21st, 2017.

ERC-20 Token Based on Ethereum

July 2017 – April 2019: Initially, BNB crypto was launched as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, adhering to the ERC-20 standard for tokens. This allowed Binance to quickly distribute BNB during the ICO phase among investors.

Transition of BNB to Binance Chain

April 2019: Binance officially launched its own blockchain, Binance Chain, along with the Binance Mainnet. As part of this transition, BNB moved away from the Ethereum blockchain to become the native asset on the Binance Chain.

Migration Process: Binance facilitated the migration of BNB tokens from the Ethereum blockchain to Binance Chain. Holders of BNB were instructed to swap their ERC-20 BNB tokens with native Binance Chain coins.

Purpose and Uses of BNB Crypto

Every cryptocurrency, from Bitcoin to stablecoins and altcoins like Dogecoin or Solana, has its own specific purpose and use cases defined by its characteristics. The primary purpose of Binance Coin is to serve as a utility token within the Binance ecosystem.

It is designed to facilitate various use cases and offer benefits to users of the Binance platform, such as decentralized crypto exchanges like PancakeSwap and SushiSwap, which use their native tokens to provide cost savings and convenience to users. Key functions and applications of BNB icrypto nclude:

  • Transaction Fee Discounts: One of the most notable use cases for Binance Coin on the Binance platform is paying transaction fees. Users holding BNB in their Binance accounts can use it to pay for trading fees and receive significant discounts (usually 25%) on these fees. This has been a key incentive for adoption and use of this currency among traders on Binance.
  • Token Sales and Investments: Binance Launchpad, the platform for launching Binance Coin, often requires participants to hold a certain amount of BNB crypto to qualify for token sales. Therefore, holding BNB can provide exclusive investment opportunities in new crypto projects for users.
  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Transactions: With the emergence of Binance Smart Chain, a blockchain compatible with Ethereum launched by Binance, BNB acts as the primary asset for powering transactions, executing smart contracts, and paying network fees on BSC.
  • Staking and Yield Farming: BNB crypto holders can participate in yield farming activities to earn rewards and generate passive income. Binance periodically offers opportunities for holders of this currency to earn additional BNB or tokens.

Purpose and Uses of BNB Crypto

Tokenomics Concept

Similar to Bitcoin halving of maintaining and preventing its value from declining, BNB also has a mechanism to maintain its price. The total supply of this token is limited to 200 million tokens. Binance periodically conducts token burns, where a portion of BNB tokens are permanently taken out of circulation, reducing the overall supply. This token burning process is designed to create scarcity and potentially increase the value of the remaining tokens over time.

Is Binance Coin Safe?

Binance Coin, which was initially launched through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), has since become one of the most recognized and widely used cryptocurrencies in the market, safeguarding it against abuses like pump and dump schemes commonly found in meme coins or shitcoins.

Overall, determining whether this coin (BNB) is “safe” or not requires consideration of several factors related to technology, adoption, and use within the Binance ecosystem. Here are key aspects to consider when assessing the safety of BNB:

Binance Exchange Security

The security of any exchange, whether Binance and BingX or ByBit and CoinEx, is of utmost importance and should be thoroughly examined. BNB crypto is fundamentally associated with Binance, one of the largest and most reputable crypto exchanges globally.

Binance has made significant investments in security measures to protect user funds and assets. This includes deploying robust cybersecurity protocols, implementing two-factor authentication (2FA), and maintaining insurance coverage to mitigate potential losses.

Binance Coin Blockchain Security

BNB initially existed as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain before transitioning to the Binance Chain and subsequently the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Both the Binance Chain and BSC are maintained by Binance, with BSC being a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain. Blockchain security relies on factors like consensus mechanisms and network decentralization, which can significantly impact overall safety.

Acceptance and Liquidity of BNB Crypto

The widespread acceptance of Binance Coin as a utility token within the Binance ecosystem contributes to its overall safety. Liquidity and trading volume of the token on reputable exchanges provide additional assurance to investors and users.

Regulatory Compliance

Similar to discussions on regulation in a forex broker or prop trading firms, exchanges also need to be licensed and regulated. Binance operates in multiple jurisdictions and adheres to legal requirements when necessary. Compliance with regulations can enhance the safety of using Binance Coin on the Binance platform.

Risks and Considerations Associated with Binance Coin

Despite these factors, understanding potential risks associated with any cryptocurrency, including BNB, is essential:

  1. Market Volatility: Like many cryptocurrencies, the value of BNB crypto can be subject to significant price fluctuations, creating slippage and risks for investors.
  2. Centralization Concerns: BNB’s association with Binance raises questions about centralization, as Binance controls the Binance Chain and BSC. This can impact governance and decision-making related to the ecosystem.

Users can enhance their crypto safety, including that of Binance Coin, by taking personal security measures such as using secure crypto wallets like Trust Wallet (a crypto wallet for Android) or Ledger (a secure hardware crypto wallet), enabling 2FA, and practicing vigilance against phishing attacks.

Is BNB safe?

Evolution and Growth of BNB Crypto

Binance Coin has undergone significant transformation and growth since its inception. With the launch of Binance Chain and subsequently Binance Smart Chain (BSC), BNB has expanded its utility beyond just a transaction fee discount token. Now, it provides a complete ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps), decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, and non-fungible token (NFT) platforms within the Binance ecosystem.

The market value and acceptance of BNB stem from Binance’s strong presence in the market, innovative initiatives, and strategic engagements in the blockchain and digital asset industry. Binance’s commitment to expanding the use cases and applications of this coin continues to attract investors, traders, and developers to leverage the capabilities of the Binance ecosystem.


Binance Coin was initially designed as a utility token within the Binance ecosystem. Various objectives, including paying transaction fees on Binance, participating in token sales through Binance Launchpad, enhancing transactions and smart contracts on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and activating various decentralized applications (dApps) in this ecosystem, are being achieved.

The relative safety of BNB depends on various factors, including its association with Binance, blockchain security, acceptance, and regulatory compliance. While BNB has demonstrated flexibility and utility within the Binance ecosystem, users should exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and consider personal risk tolerance when investing or trading BNB or any crypto.

Binance has continuously expanded the use and acceptance of this coin since its inception. This token has evolved beyond a simple transaction fee discount and has become a key component of the broader Binance ecosystem, supporting various DeFi projects, NFT platforms, and blockchain-based applications.

The invention of BNB crypto was a significant milestone in Binance’s growth story, enabling the exchange to create a strong ecosystem centered around its primary token. Through advancements and strategic collaborations, this coin has become an integral part of the global crypto asset landscape.

What is Solana? 0 to 100 about Sol Crypto

What is Solana? 0 to 100 about Sol Crypto

In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, Solana has emerged as a prominent player, offering a highly performant blockchain platform designed to support decentralized applications (dApps) and cryptocurrencies at scale.

Sol crypto, launched by the Solana Foundation in March 2020, aims to address key challenges of existing blockchain networks, such as scalability, speed, and cost-effectiveness. This article from BrokerLand delves into the fundamentals of this cryptocurency, exploring its emergence, key features, use cases, and its impact on the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

What is Solana?

The world of cryptocurrency has garnered much excitement among those interested in part-time or full-time trading in financial markets. There is a multitude of choices among altcoins for individuals. The ways of earning income from these currencies are also varied. Some aim to profit from their appreciation over time by purchasing them from a reputable crypto exchange such as CoinEx or ByBit and holding them in their crypto wallet.

Others prefer to trade these currencies on trading platforms like MetaTrader 4 and 5 or TradingView, similar to currency pairs, to generate income. Regardless of which category you fall into, familiarity with various tokens, including Sol crypto, which we will discuss below, will provide you with insights and more opportunities.

Solana was founded by Anatoly Yakovenko, a software engineer and entrepreneur with experience in distributed systems and blockchain technology. Before founding Solana Labs, the company behind this blockchain platform, he worked at Qualcomm, Dropbox, and Mesosphere.

Development of Sol crypto began around 2017, with the mainnet officially launched in March 2020. Anatoly Yakovenko and his team aimed to address key scalability issues faced by existing blockchain networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum by leveraging innovative technologies such as Proof of History (PoH) and Tower BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) to achieve high throughput and low latency without compromising security and decentralization.

Since its launch, Solana has garnered significant attention and adoption within the blockchain community, attracting developers and projects due to its performance capabilities and developer-friendly ecosystem. Anatoly Yakovenko continues to lead Sol Labs in further developing and expanding its platform to support a wide range of decentralized applications and use cases.

Essentially, it’s a blockchain platform that enables developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) and tokens. At its core, Sol crypto employs a unique combination of technologies and innovations to provide unprecedented scalability without sacrificing security or decentralization. Let’s further examine key features and innovations.

Proof of History (PoH): Sol crypto introduces a new concept called Proof of History (PoH), which is a cryptographic clock providing a way to encode time within the blockchain history. PoH allows nodes to agree on the order of events without needing direct communication, thereby enhancing network efficiency and overall speed.

What is Solana?

BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance): It combines Proof of History with the Tower BFT consensus mechanism to achieve rapid finality and security. This consensus mechanism enables low-latency transaction confirmations and improves the overall network performance.

Gulf Stream: Gulf Stream is Solana’s concurrent transaction processing engine designed to optimize parallel transaction processing. This feature allows this coin to process thousands of transactions per second (TPS) and transforms it into one of the fastest blockchain platforms available.

Turbine: Turbine is Solana’s network protocol that facilitates high-speed data propagation across the network. By optimizing data transfer, Turbine contributes to scalability and overall performance of this currency.

Scalability: One of the key advantages is its scalability. Traditional blockchain networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum face scalability challenges due to their consensus mechanisms. However, Sol crypto , with its innovative combination of technologies, can process thousands of transactions per second and compete with centralized payment systems.

Use Cases and Applications of Sol Crypto

Solana’s high throughput and low transaction costs make it suitable for a wide range of applications. Some of its use cases include:

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Sol crypto has become a popular platform for decentralized financial applications (DeFi) due to its scalability and low transaction fees. Use cases in DeFi include:

  • Decentralized Exchanges (DEX): It supports fast and efficient cryptocurrency trading on any decentralized exchange like PancakeSwap, allowing users to trade cryptocurrencies with high throughput and minimal latency. Prominent examples include projects like PancakeSwap and SushiSwap.
  • Lending and Borrowing Protocols: Sol-based protocols enable users to lend and borrow digital assets peer-to-peer, facilitating interest-bearing accounts and loans.
  • Stablecoins: Sol crypto provides a platform for issuing and trading stablecoins like Sol-based Tether, enabling efficient and low-cost transactions of value-backed tokens.

Use Cases and Applications of Sol Crypto

Using Sol crypto in games

Solana’s high performance and low latency make it ideal for blockchain-based gaming applications, offering a seamless and interactive gaming experience. Use cases in gaming include:

NFT Markets: It supports NFT markets where users can buy, sell, and trade digital assets like in-game items, artworks, and collectibles.

Scalable Games: Developers can utilize Sol’s performance capabilities to create scalable multiplayer games with real-time interaction and decentralized economies.

Utilizing Solana in Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

The efficiency of this currency in managing large transaction volumes makes it suitable for NFT-related applications, including:

  • Creating and Trading NFTs: Artists and creators can create and sell NFTs on Solana, benefiting from low costs and quick confirmation times.
  • Games and Collections: NFTs representing in-game items, digital art, and unique collections can be securely stored and traded on Sol’s digital asset platforms.

Social Media and Content Platforms

Solana enables the creation of decentralized social media platforms and content sharing networks that are resistant to censorship and control. Use cases include:

  • Decentralized Social Networks: Platforms can be built on this currency where users have ownership and control over their data and interactions.
  • Content Monetization: Creators can tokenize their content and receive direct payments from supporters without relying on intermediaries.

Organizational Applications

Solana’s scalability and security features make it suitable for top-tier organizational blockchain applications, including:

  • Supply Chain Management: This currency can be used for transparent and traceable supply chain management solutions, enhancing efficiency and reducing fraud.
  • Identity Verification: This blockchain can act as a secure platform for identity verification and authentication services.

Sol’s adaptable blockchain platform opens up a wide range of possibilities for developers and entrepreneurs across industries, offering a level of security against pump and dump schemes common in meme coins. From financial matters and gaming to art and social media, its fast and cost-effective infrastructure drives innovation and adoption in decentralized ecosystems. As the ecosystem continues to evolve and mature, we can expect to see more diverse and impactful use cases on this high-performance blockchain platform.


The world of cryptocurrencies is full of opportunities and choices for enthusiasts. Whether you have good knowledge in this field from Bitcoin halving to all the latest techniques, including manipulations and understanding of currencies, you can profitably trade them on a cryptocurrency exchange  and store them in an crypto wallet for Android or hardware wallet, making a profit without any intermediary traders.

If you are interested in areas such as Bitcoin mining, mining pools, and cloud mining, visit the site’s article list to become fully acquainted with them.

Sol crypto represents a significant advancement in blockchain technology, providing a scalable and efficient platform for developers to build decentralized applications. With innovative features and a growing ecosystem, this currency has the potential to embrace mainstream blockchain technology across various industries. As the blockchain space continues to evolve, Sol stands out as a promising project addressing critical scalability issues while paving the way for the next generation of decentralized applications and services.

What is Slippage, Why it Happens and How to Avoid it?

What is Slippage, Why it Happens and How to Avoid it?

In the dynamic world of forex trading, slippage is a phenomenon that traders often encounter but may not fully understand. Slippage in forex refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is actually executed. This discrepancy can occur due to market fluctuations, liquidity variations, delays in forex order processing, or broker execution methods.

While slippage is a common occurrence in fast-paced markets, its impact on traders can be significant, affecting trade outcomes, profitability, and overall trading experience. In this article, Brokerland delves into the details of this phenomenon in forex trading, examining its causes, effects, and strategies for effective management and reducing its impact on traders.

What is Slippage in Forex and Why Does it Occur?

Slippage in forex refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is actually executed. This can happen when there is a discrepancy between the price a trader sees when placing an order and the price at which the order is filled.

Slippage can be positive or negative: positive one occurs when a trade is executed at a better price than expected, while negative one occurs when a trade is executed at a worse price. Several factors contribute to this, which we will examine further:

Market fluctuations: It often occurs during periods of high market volatility. This happens because when markets are volatile, prices can change rapidly, leading to significant delays in order execution. Traders may place an order at a certain price, but by the time the order reaches the market, the price has already changed, resulting in slippage.

Liquidity: It is more pronounced in markets with lower liquidity or during times of low liquidity. In such conditions, a buyer or seller may not be available at the desired price level, resulting in the trade being executed at a different price.

Impact of large orders in the market: Large orders or the presence of smart money can cause slippage as they can move the market. When a trader executes a large order, especially in a market with limited liquidity, it can deplete available liquidity at the desired price level, causing the remaining order to be filled at less favorable prices.

Order processing speed: This issue can arise due to delays in order processing by forex brokers. If the price changes significantly between the time of order placement and execution, the order may be filled at a different price.

What is Slippage in Forex and Why Does it Occur?

Broker Execution: The quality of execution provided by a broker can impact slippage in forex. Some brokers, like OmegaFinex Broker, offer direct market access (DMA) and have strong liquidity providers, which can help reduce it. On the other hand, brokers with poor execution quality may struggle to fulfill orders at desired prices, leading to slippage.

Ways to Manage Slippage in Forex

Managing slippage in forex involves employing various strategies and techniques to mitigate its impact on trade execution. As mentioned above, it can occur due to market fluctuations, liquidity conditions, order size, and broker execution speed. Here are several ways to effectively manage it:

Use Limit Orders Instead of Market Orders

Use limit orders instead of market orders to specify the exact price you want to enter or exit a trade. A limit order ensures that your trade is executed at a specific price or a better price if available in the market. By using limit orders, you have more control over the price at which your trade is executed, which can help reduce the risk of negative slippage in volatile market conditions.

Avoid Trading During High-Impact News Events

Stay informed about upcoming economic news using economic calendars available on reputable websites like TradingView, MQL5, MyFXBook, or Forex Factory, and refrain from trading during high-impact events such as central bank announcements, unemployment rate reports, or geopolitical developments.

Major forex news releases can cause significant market fluctuations and widen spreads, increasing the likelihood of slippage. It is advisable to wait until after the news event to resume trading.

Trade During High-Liquidity Market Hours

Select active trading sessions and focus on trading during peak market hours when liquidity is higher. The forex market has increased liquidity during overlapping trading sessions (e.g., London and New York sessions) which is one if the kill zones, can reduce the risk of slippage in forex. Trading during low liquidity periods, such as late Asian sessions or weekends, can increase the likelihood of slippage due to wider spreads and fewer market participants.

Use Appropriate Stop Loss to Manage Slippage

Set appropriate stop loss levels. When placing stop loss orders, place them slightly away from key support or resistance levels to avoid premature triggering during price fluctuations. For useful tips on setting appropriate stop losses, you can read articles on Guaranteed Stop Loss Orders (GSLO).

Some brokers offer guaranteed stop loss orders that ensure your stop loss order is executed at a specified price regardless of market conditions. However, GSLOs may come with additional costs. Read the Stop hunting article to learn important tips fo setting a wise stop loss in trading.

Monitor Broker Execution Quality

Choose a reputable forex broker like LiteForex or RoboForex with a proven track record of reliable order execution and minimal slippage. Also, test the speed of order execution by trading on a demo account and monitoring order execution speed in different market conditions.

Diversify Trade Volumes to Reduce Slippage Impact

Avoid large orders and instead, divide them into smaller, manageable positions. This can help reduce the impact of large trades on market liquidity and minimize slippage in forex.

Regularly Review Trade Performance to Manage Slippage

Track occurrences of slippage in your trading journal and analyze its patterns in various market conditions. Use insights gained from analyzing your trade performance and statements to adjust trading strategies and risk management techniques for better management.

Ways to Manage Slippage in Forex

By implementing these strategies, traders can effectively manage slippage and improve the overall quality of trade execution in the forex market. Adaptability and responsiveness to changing market conditions are essential to minimizing its impact on trading outcomes.

Negative consequences of slippage in forex trading

Slippage in forex can have several side effects that affect traders’ profitability and overall trading experience. While a common occurrence in financial markets, excessive or unmanaged slippage can lead to the following consequences:

  • Increased transaction costs: It can result in trades being executed at prices lower than expected, which leads to higher transaction costs. This is especially important for high-frequency traders or those trading large volumes, as frequent slippage can decrease profits over time.
  • Profit reduction: It can negatively impact traders’ profitability by causing trades to be executed at worse prices, which can affect the overall performance of trading strategies. Unmanaged slippage can lead to unexpected losses and reduce the effectiveness of trading systems.
  • Issues with Stop Loss execution: It can cause stop-loss orders to be executed at prices different from the specified level. If prices move rapidly against the trader’s position, especially during periods of high volatility, this can result in larger-than-expected losses.
  • Unintended position size: It can affect position size calculations, especially for traders using leverage or trading large volumes. Unexpected slippage can lead to larger positions being opened or closed than intended, increasing risk exposure and impacting portfolio management.
  • Impact on trading strategies: It can disrupt the performance of trading strategies that rely on precise entry and exit points. Short-term price movement-based strategies or scalping techniques may be particularly sensitive to slippage, affecting the stability and effectiveness of trading results.
  • Loss of confidence: Repeated experiences of slippage can undermine traders’ confidence in their ability to execute trades effectively. This loss of confidence may lead to hesitation in decision-making or reluctance to enter specific market conditions, ultimately affecting trading performance and psychology.
  • Negative user experience: To mitigate the side effects of slippage in forex, traders can employ risk management strategies such as using limit orders, avoiding trading during high volatility periods, selecting reputable brokers with reliable execution like Orbex and Fibo Group, and monitoring its patterns over time. Through active management and adaptation of trading methods based on this, traders can minimize its impact on profitability and overall trading success.


Slippage in forex remains a significant consideration for traders when decide to learn forex trading, following the complexities of financial markets. Understanding the causes and consequences of this issue is essential for traders to develop strong risk management strategies and optimize trading performance.

While complete elimination of slippage may not be possible, traders can utilize various techniques such as using limit orders, avoiding high volatility periods, and selecting reputable brokers with reliable execution to minimize its impact. By adjusting trading strategies accordingly, traders can enhance their trading experience, reduce potential losses, and strive for consistent profitability in forex markets.

Smart Money Concept | How to Trade Smart Money Strategy?

Smart Money Concept | How to Trade Smart Money Strategy?

In the world of forex trading, success often depends on an individual’s ability to decipher the complex and dynamic network of the market. Among the myriad strategies touted by experts and commentators, one approach stands out for its reliance on the actions of seasoned investors and institutional players—the Smart Money concept.

This strategy, which involves aligning individual trades with the movements of institutional investors and large traders, provides an overview of the internal workings of the forex market. By understanding the behaviors of these savvy participants, traders seek to gain an edge in pursuing profitable transactions.

In this article, Brokerland delves into the intricacies of the Smart Money strategy, examining its principles, advantages, challenges, and methods of identification in the market for traders navigating the forex landscape.

Understanding Smart Money Concept

In simple terms, “Smart Money” in the forex market refers to the trading activities of experienced and well-resourced investors and institutions such as banks and investment funds. These players often possess significant resources and knowledge that enable them to make informed decisions and influence market movements. The Smart Money strategy involves tracking their actions to potentially benefit from their expertise and the movements they create in the market.

Imagine being in a crowded room where some individuals are experts at predicting which direction the wind is blowing. These experts often move in sync and wherever they go, they bring a breeze. Now, if you observe which direction they’re heading and follow suit, you might catch the breeze and ride alongside their expertise to make your journey smoother. This parallels how Smart Money operates in the forex market—following the actions of experienced investors to potentially benefit from their insights and the movements they initiate.

Smart Money concept traders can include investment funds, banks, and large financial institutions. They often have access to advanced trading technologies, complex algorithms, and extensive research capabilities that aid them in identifying lucrative trading opportunities.

One notable characteristic of Smart Money traders is their ability to move the market with significant trading volumes. They may strategically enter and exit positions, causing price movements that individual traders might seek to capitalize on.

Understanding Smart Money Concept

Retail traders often attempt to gauge the emotions and positions of these institutional investors through various methods, such as analyzing institutional order flow, monitoring forex news and market announcements, and using technical analysis tools. However, it’s crucial to understand that these strategies can be complex and dynamic, and blindly following their moves may not always lead to success.

How to Trade Smart Money Strategy in Forex?

Trading with Smart Money concept in the forex market involves trying to identify and align your trades with the actions of institutional or informed investors. Here are several steps you can take to execute such a strategy:

Understand Market Structure: Gain a deep understanding of how the forex market operates, including the roles of various participants like banks, investment funds, and central banks. Understand how these entities influence price movements and liquidity.

Analyze Institutional Order Flow: Study institutional order flow to identify large trades or positions taken by Smart Money participants. Sometimes, this information can be accessed through specialized platforms or by observing price action around key support and resistance levels.

Pay Attention to Economic Events: Stay informed about important economic events such as interest rate announcements, unemployment rates, inflation rate, central bank statements, and geopolitical developments that can impact market sentiment and institutional trader actions.

Use Technical Analysis: Combine technical analysis tools like support and resistance levels, trend lines, and candlestick patterns such as double top and bottom or head and shoulders patterns to identify potential entry and exit points aligned with Smart Money concept. Look for areas where significant buying or selling pressure is evident.

Follow Market Sentiment Indicators: Monitor market sentiment indicators like the Commitment of Traders (COT) report, which provides insights into the positioning of large institutional traders in future markets. Contrarian approaches can sometimes be useful when trading against extreme market sentiments.

Trade with Discipline and Order: Stick to your trading plan and risk management rules, even when trading based on a Smart Money strategy. Avoid chasing trades or making impulsive decisions based solely on market rumors or short-term price fluctuations and FOMO.

Continuously Learn: The forex market is dynamic, and trading strategies must evolve over time. Learn from your experiences, stay abreast of market developments, and be willing to adjust your approach as needed. Keeping a trading journal and trading statement can be highly beneficial on this journey.

It’s important to remember that trading with a Smart Money strategy does not guarantee success and comes with inherent risks. Additionally, gaining insights into Smart Money flows can be challenging, and avoiding getting caught up in market movements and over-analysis is essential. Like any trading approach, thorough research, patience, and discipline are crucial for long-term success.

How to Identify Smart Money in the Market?

Identifying Smart Money in the forex market can be challenging as it requires careful observation and analysis of various factors. While it’s not possible to definitively pinpoint every move made by institutional traders, there are several indicators and methods you can use to gain insights into their activities:

Volume Analysis: Monitor trading volume, especially during key forex trading sessions. Smart Money traders often execute large orders that can significantly impact trading volume. Look for increased volume at important support and resistance levels or during significant news events.

How to Identify Smart Money in the Market?

Identifying Smart Money in the forex market can be challenging because it requires precise observation and analysis of various factors. While it’s not possible to definitively pinpoint every move made by institutional traders, there are several indicators and methods you can use to gain insights into their activities:

Price Action: Pay attention to price movements and how they react to key levels and market news. Smart Money tends to trade in a way that leaves a footprint in the price trend, such as sudden and significant moves or creating distinct chart patterns.

Order Flow Analysis: Analyze order flow data provided by some forex brokers or trading platforms. Look for large orders executed at specific price levels, indicating the involvement of institutional traders. Additionally, observe how the market reacts to these orders, as Smart Money often influences price movements.

Commitments of Traders (COT) Report: The COT report, published by regulatory authorities like the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), provides insights into the positions of large traders in futures markets, including commercial hedgers. While the forex market itself is not directly covered by the COT report, analyzing related futures contracts (like currency futures) can still provide valuable insights into market sentiment and positioning.

Market Sentiment Indicators: Monitor market sentiment surveys and indicators. Extreme upward or downward levels among traders can sometimes indicate potential Smart Money activity, especially when combined with other technical or fundamental factors.

News and Events: Stay informed about important economic news, central bank announcements, and geopolitical developments. Smart Money traders often have access to advanced research and analysis, allowing them to anticipate market-moving events and position themselves accordingly.

While these methods can provide valuable insights into the activities of institutional traders, it’s important to remember that no single indicator or approach can accurately predict their movements. Participants using Smart Money concept are sophisticated and may employ various strategies to conceal their intentions. Therefore, combining multiple sources of information and exercising caution when interpreting forex signals is crucial.

Good and Bad Points of This Trading Strategy

The smart money strategy, like any trading strategy, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a review of the good and bad points:

Positive Points

Market Direction Insight: This strategy can provide insights into market direction based on the actions of institutional investors and large traders. Retail traders, by following their lead, may be able to capitalize on major market trends and reversals.

Access to Resources and Information: Smart money concept traders often have access to advanced research, analysis, and trading technology that retail traders may not possess. This can provide valuable information and tools for informed decision-making in trading.

Market Moving Capability: Institutional traders have the capacity to move markets with their significant trading volumes. By aligning with their positions, traders can benefit from the momentum generated by their trades.

Market Liquidity: The smart money strategy can contribute to market liquidity by providing counterparties for individual traders and other market participants. Increased liquidity can lead to tighter spread and better execution for traders.

Negative Points of smart money stategy

Limited Access: Individual traders may have limited access to similar resources and information available to smart money traders. This can constrain them when trying to identify and track institutional trading activities.

Risk of Misinterpretation: Interpreting smart money activity can be challenging and subjective. Traders may misinterpret signals or follow market participants incorrectly, leading to losses or missed opportunities.

Market Manipulation: In some cases, smart money concept traders may engage in market manipulation or deceptive actions to mislead other market participants. Traders should be cautious and aware of the risks associated with blindly following institutional flows.

Negative Points of smart money stategy

High Competition: This strategy often involves competing with other institutional traders and sophisticated market participants. Individual traders may find effective competition challenging in this environment, especially without access to similar resources and technology.

Potential for Large Losses: Following the smart money strategy can come with significant risks, especially if the trader’s analysis is incorrect or if the market moves against their position. It’s essential for traders to carefully manage risk and be prepared for potential significant losses.

Is Smart Money Manipulation?

The term “smart money concept” itself does not imply manipulation. Instead, it refers to capital controlled by informed, experienced, and often institutional investors who have significant resources and expertise in analyzing market trends. However, while smart money is not inherently manipulative, there are instances where large market participants may engage in activities that could be perceived as manipulation. Here are ways manipulation might occur in this context:

  • Price Manipulation: Institutional traders with significant capital may attempt to manipulate prices by creating artificial buying or selling pressure in the market. This could involve executing large trades to influence market sentiment or using trading algorithms for stop hunting and induce price movements in a particular direction.
  • Dissemination of Misinformation: Smart money traders may disseminate incorrect information or rumors to deceive other market participants and manipulate prices. This could involve releasing misleading news or reports to create a false perception of fundamental market factors or future price movements.
  • Creation of Artificial Supply or Demand: Smart money traders may place large orders to create artificial supply or demand in the market and quickly cancel them. This can deceive other traders into making decisions based on false signals and lead to price manipulation.


The smart money strategy serves as a valuable tool in the arsenal of forex traders seeking to navigate market complexities. The goal of this strategy is to ride the wave of experienced market participants by aligning trades with the actions of institutional investors and large traders, capitalizing on prevailing trends and sentiments.

However, it’s crucial to approach the smart money concept with caution and diligence, as misinterpretation or blind adherence to institutional flows can result in significant losses. Like any trading strategy, thorough research, disciplined execution, and continuous learning are essential for success.

Fibo Group Broker Review Open account in the best broker 2023

Fibo Group Broker Review ❤️ 2024 version

Fibo Group Broker is an international financial holding company (an online brokerage group in financial markets) and one of the older players in online trading. Fibogroup began its operations in 1998 and has consistently adhered to principles of transparency, protecting users’ interests, and strict compliance with the laws of various countries since its inception.

In this article on BrokerLand, we will conduct a detailed and thorough examination of this Broker to understand why this company has earned a spot on the list of the best Forex brokers.

Introducing FIBO Group Broker

FIBO Group Broker was established in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), and it still operates from its central office there. However, FIBO Group presents its financial services through an additional entity located in Cyprus. The FIBO Group enhances secure investment opportunities by obtaining valid European regulatory licenses.

FIBO Group Broker Analysis
🗺️ Headquarters British Virgin Islands (BVI)
⚖️ Regulation FSC, CySEC
💰Minimum Capital 100 EUR
💰 Maximum Leverage 1:1000
📊 Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4, MT5, cTrader, FiboGroup Mobile Apps
🎮 Demo Account Available
🛍️ Trading Instruments 60 forex pairs and cryptocurrencies, CFDs

Furthermore, FIBO Group Broker offers high-quality global support. This support is accessible through offices in Vienna, Limassol, Shanghai, Singapore, Munich, Kyiv, and Almaty.


Overall, FIBO Group Broker Holding has earned multiple awards for their years of operation. These awards have been granted in recognition of their excellent customer service and effective achievements. These accolades, along with thousands of satisfied customers worldwide, have made FIBO Group a reputable brokerage.

Is FIBO Group safe?

The world of trading and every type of investment is not immune to various scams and fraudulent schemes. From Ponzi schemes, pump and dump schemes in cryptocurrencies, to unscrupulous companies for Prop trading, to fraudulent brokers, all are things one must be vigilant about.

FONTEN CORPORATION LIMITED, also known as FIBO Group, is a reputable and active financial services company. This company is regulated and monitored by the Financial Services Commission in the British Virgin Islands. In fact, the regulatory requirements and standards in the British Virgin Islands are relatively lower and minimal compared to other countries.

Is FIBO Group safe?

As mentioned, FIBO Group Broker has an additional entity established in the Republic of Cyprus. This entity has received authorization from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) to provide services to residents of the European Union and other countries worldwide. The European regulations overseeing FIBO Group Broker run parallel to the offshore registration of this brokerage group, making it a secure choice for investments. For instance, the well-known broker TriumphFX is also a completely safe broker operating under the supervision of CySEC in Cyprus.

FIBO Group Broker offers secure investment and trading services along with professional indemnity insurance. Additionally, they are a member of the Investors’ Compensation Fund (ICF). Customers and partners can rest assured that all FIBO Group services adhere to the highest international standards and are under the control of Cyprus regulators.

Trading Instruments of FIBO Group Broker

The range of trading products offered by FIBO Group Broker includes services to clients or financial managers, as well as investment programs through the PAMM accounts. Forex trading is conducted through FIBO Group with 60 currency pairs, including cryptocurrencies. These trades come with high leverage ratios, low spreads, and are executed using NDD and CFD models without swaps, along with a 0% commission and reasonable fixed spreads.

Leverage at FIBO Group

You can use leverage or margin offered by the FIBO Group to increase the volume of your trades. Leverage trading provides extensive capabilities and the potential for higher profits, but it’s essential to use these tools wisely and not expose yourself to very high risks. Furthermore, the levels of leverage are also determined by regulatory restrictions.

When trading with the European entity of FIBO, you automatically fall under the secure ESMA regulations. The maximum leverage under ESMA regulations is 1:30 for major currency pairs and 1:10 for commodities. However, FIBO’s global group offers access to the highest possible leverage of up to 1:1000, which is an exceptionally high level and should be used with great caution.

Types of FIBO Group Trading Accounts

FIBO Group Broker offers various types of trading accounts to cater to different trading styles and customer needs. The following types of trading accounts are available with this broker:

  1. MT4 NDD Account (No Dealing Desk): This type of account operates with the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform and provides access to the interbank market without any intervention from the dealing desk. This account offers limited spreads, fast execution, and the ability to implement different trading strategies.
  2. MT5 NDD Account: Similar to the MT4 NDD account, this type of account uses the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform. It offers more advanced trading features compared to MT4 and provides access to a wider range of financial instruments.
  3. cTrader NDD Account: The next account offered by FIBO Group Broker utilizes the cTrader platform, known for its advanced trading capabilities and user-friendly interface. It offers Direct Market Access (DMA) and access to a diverse range of trading instruments.
  4. VIP Account: FIBO Group also offers a VIP account for individuals with high net worth or professional traders. The features and requirements may vary, but typically, VIP accounts provide personalized services, lower trading costs, dedicated customer support, and other exclusive benefits.

It’s important to note that brokerage firms may introduce new account types or make changes to existing accounts over time. For the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding FIBO Group’s account offerings, it is recommended to visit their official website or contact customer support directly.

FiboGroup Features MT4 Fixed MT4 NDD cTrader NDD MT5 NDD
Trading platform MetaTrader 4 MetaTrader 4 cTrader MetaTrader 5
Order execution technology Market Maker No Dealing Desk No Dealing Desk No Dealing Desk
Minimum deposit $50 $50 $50 $50
Fifth decimal point no yes yes yes
Spread from, pips 0,01/0,01 0,01/0,01 0,01/0,01 0,01/0,01
Spread from, pips 1 0,8 0 0
Commission no no 0.003% from the amount of a transaction 0.005% from the amount of a transaction
Leverage 200 400 400 400(for metal – 100)
Stop Out level 20% 50% 20% 50%
CFD trading yes no no no
Currency pairs available 43 32 33 32
Maximum open orders no no no no
Maximum order volume no no no no
PAMM Acount yes yes no no

In fact, FIBO Group has designed two main types of accounts. Therefore, you can choose between the MT4 NDD account or the MT5 NDD account without commissions. The first account starts with competitive variable spreads, beginning from 0 pips. However, you will have to pay a commission for each trade, making it an excellent choice for various trading strategies.

The second FIBO Group account is also commission-free and offers fixed spreads starting from 0.8 pips. This account is highly suitable for beginner traders and is excellent for strategies that require precise spread calculation tailored to market conditions. Additionally, Islamic or swap-free accounts are available for individuals who adhere to Sharia law. These accounts stand out from the others by not incurring overnight fees and offering high leverage options.

FIBO Group Fees and Costs

FIBO Group’s spread options will vary depending on the two types of accounts they offer. This means there’s an option for trading with a fixed spread and no commission, or with a variable spread and a simultaneous 0.003% commission. This choice essentially provides an outstanding option, allowing you to select the best option based on your trading strategy and see what works best for you.

However, you should always consider a rollover fee as part of the transaction costs. This fee is charged for positions held for more than a day. For instance, the rollover for the EUR/USD currency pair is around 1.38% for long positions and 0.68% for short positions.

Deposit and Withdrawal Methods

FIBO Group Broker also offers flexible deposit and withdrawal options, ensuring secure and reliable fund transactions. These payment methods include bank transfers and card payments.

Additionally, online payment systems via Bitcoin or blockchain, Neteller, Skrill, Qiwi, CashU, FasaPay, DixiPay, PayDo, and others are available. However, inquire with FIBO broker support services to determine which payment method is more suitable based on the institution you’re dealing with and your place of residence.

Minimum Deposit at FIBO Group

The minimum deposit requirement to open an account with FIBO is $100, allowing you to access a commission-free NDD account and start trading. However, opening an NDD account with commissions initially requires $300.

Withdrawals from the Account

FIBO Broker’s withdrawal options include bank transfers and popular e-wallets like Skrill. However, it’s important to note that depending on the terms and payment method used, some fees may apply. Generally, there’s no withdrawal fee, but fees for some gateways may range between $35 to $50 per transfer.

Trading Platforms at FIBO Group Broker

FIBO Group offers multiple trading platforms to cater to different traders’ preferences and needs. While available platforms may evolve over time, as of my last update in September 2021, FIBOGroup offers the following trading platforms:

MetaTrader 4 (MT4): MT4 is a widely used and popular trading platform known for its user-friendly interface and extensive functionality. It provides a wide range of tools for technical analysis and automated trading through Expert Advisors (EAs).

MetaTrader 5 (MT5): MT5 is the successor to MT4 and offers more advanced features compared to its predecessor. It provides advanced charting tools, improved programming language, additional order types, and access to a wider range of financial instruments. MT5 is available for desktop, web, and mobile devices.

cTrader: cTrader is another supported platform at FIBO, a powerful trading platform designed for trading via ECN (Electronic Communication Network). It offers direct market access (DMA), transparent pricing, market depth information (DOM), and advanced order execution. cTrader is available for desktop, web, and mobile devices.

FIBO Group Mobile Apps: FIBO Group also offers mobile trading apps compatible with iOS and Android devices. These apps are designed to provide convenience and flexibility for traders who prefer accessing the market via their smartphones or tablets.

Since platform choice is a priority, FIBO Group customers can enjoy one of the most popular and powerful platforms in the industry, MetaTrader 4 (MT4). This platform is also available via the web-based MT4 version, which is a user-friendly tool compatible with any operating system. Additionally, the platform’s application is available for Windows, iOS, and Android devices.

Various types of trading orders with instant execution along with comprehensive technical indicators are available on MT4. MT4 also facilitates automated trading opportunities without limitations through Expert Advisors (EAs). You can easily choose from various EAs or even create your own EA using the MQL4 editor.

Social Trading or Copy Trading

Automated trading (AutoTrade) with a social trading platform like Myfxbook is also available as a reliable method for copying successful traders’ trading strategies. This platform is an excellent feature for both beginner traders and professionals who wish to gain followers. Other features provided by FIBO Group ‌Broker are designed for account managers or professionals. This tool can provide a strong investment opportunity with powerful, extensive, feature-rich, and highly responsible trading tools.

Summary of FIBO Group Review

An overview of FIBO Group broker indicates that the company’s services are provided across all major markets in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and CIS countries. This is while offering a wide range of trading services and tools for selection. FIBO Group, with its global coverage, uses various technologies and solutions, making it suitable for almost any trading need.

Summary of FIBO Group Review

Features such as seamless and intervention-free trade execution, choice between trading strategies, fixed or variable spreads, high leverage usage, competitive trading conditions, and even copy trading capabilities are provided by FIBO Group.


  1. Regulated by FSC and CySec, ensuring credibility.
  2. 23 years of operating experience.
  3. Easy deposit and withdrawal in local currency.
  4. Offers fixed spread option.
  5. Provides Cent accounts.
  6. Offers the cTrader trading platform.


  1. Lack of 24-hour Persian customer support.
  2. Bonuses offered are not very appealing.



Is FIBO Group Broker regulated and reputable?

Yes, FIBO Broker is regulated and licensed by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and also the Financial Services Commission in the British Virgin Islands (FSC BVI).

Is FIBO Broker safe?

FIBO Broker utilizes reputable and well-known trading platforms (MetaTrader and cTrader) that protect data exchange using SSL encryption. One-time password (OTP) is also used in the user panel.

Does FiboGroup offer a no-deposit bonus?

Currently, FiboGroup offers a 100% bonus on deposits of at least $100. You can always check the website or subscribe to the newsletter to stay informed about any new offers.

Which instruments are tradable in FIBO Group?

In FIBO Group broker, you can trade 70 different symbols including currency pairs, major world indices, as well as commodities like crude oil as CFDs. It’s worth mentioning that similar to some other brokers, there is the possibility to trade many cryptocurrencies in this broker.

Orbex Broker Review 2023 ❤️ Safe or Scam?

Orbex Broker Review 2024 ❤️ Safe or Scam?

Orbex Broker is a Forex and CFD broker that has been operating since 2011. It is headquartered in Cyprus with multiple international offices. Since its inception, Orbex has become one of the top Forex brokers, offering competitive trading conditions, advanced technological infrastructure, a full range of services, and multiple asset classes for traders. In this Brokerland review, you will get a comprehensive understanding of this broker.

Introduction, Pros & Cons of Orbex Broker

Orbex is a reputable CFD broker that provides excellent trading conditions with sophisticated instruments. It offers an excellent selection of the leading MT4 trading platform with quick online account opening and free demo accounts, among other advantages. The broker provides relatively low spreads with no commissions for deposit/withdrawal processes.

🏢Headquarters Cyprus
🗺️Regulation MFSC
🖥Trading Platform MT4
📉Instruments  Futures, Metals, Commodities, Stocks, Shares, Oil, Bitcoin, CFDs, Stocks, Energy Commodities, Indices, Forex
🎮Demo Account Available
💳Minimum Deposit 100 $
💰EUR/USD Spread From 0.0 pips
💰Base Currency Dollar, Euro
📚Sources to Learn forex  Free education with webinars, Orbex TV, and videos
☎Customer Suppors 24/5

There are numerous advantages to this broker, which you will become familiar with in the following. Additionally, we have listed some of them in the table below. As for potential drawbacks, one thing that might catch your attention is that customer support is only available on business days.

Pros Cons
Regulated broker 24/7 customer support is not available
Excellent trading tools and free forex education
Social trading options
MT4 trading platform
Fast account opening and free demo accounts
Commission-free deposit and withdrawal options


Orbex has been participating in various exhibitions and has received multiple international awards along with significant customer recognition. The broker consistently receives good reviews from its loyal customers. Its reputable status in the industry is confirmed. Some of its notable awards include:

FX MENA 2022 Best Educational Broker Award
2022 Best FX Research and Education Provider Award
2021 Best Trade Execution Winner
Please note that the availability of services and trading conditions may change over time and vary depending on the broker and region. For more information, please refer to Orbex’s official website.

Is Orbex Safe or Scam?

No, Orbex Broker is not a scam; it is a reputable and trusted broker with a good reputation. It used to operate under the regulations of CySEC and ESMA, and currently, it is active with an FSC license. Orbex holds this license.

The Financial Services Commission of Mauritius (FSC) is considered an offshore regulatory authority. It allows individuals from Iran to open accounts with this broker.


  • Headquartered in Cyprus
  • Global coverage and offshore regulation
  • Representative offices in Kuwait and Jordan
  • Good performance and years of operation
  • Regulated broker


  • None

Leverage at Orbex Broker

Leverage is the ability to borrow funds that can potentially increase the size of your trades and, in turn, your potential profits. It’s always defined within regulatory limits in each jurisdiction. Broker Orbex, through its MFSC regulation, provides favorable conditions for high leverage trading to all its customers.

Orbex offers traders the opportunity to trade with leverage of up to 1:500, allowing for larger positions with relatively low capital. After meeting specific criteria, professional individuals may access even higher leverage levels. We recommend that you always learn how to use leverage wisely, as this tool can also amplify risks significantly.

Types of Orbex Trading Accounts

Orbex Broker offers four types of accounts, from fixed and variable spread accounts to raw spread accounts starting from 0 pips with trading commissions included, where the commission is as low as $5 per lot.

Additionally, Orbex offers a special account for copy trading through its automated copy trading system, FXStat Tradebook. This type of social trading is quite popular, enabling simple investment opportunities by following professional strategies with a commission of only $10. Furthermore, it is available for Islamic traders, offering them the option to join through a swap-free account feature, allowing them to trade without rollover commissions.

Pros Cons
Quick Online Account Opening. None
Low Transaction Fees.
Demo Account Provided.
Choice of Fixed or Variable Spreads and Raw Spread Accounts.
Swap-Free Accounts (for Islamic traders).

Starter Trading Account:

Commission: $0 on Forex trades with variable spreads (average EUR/USD spread of 1.5 pips).
Flexible trade size starting from 0.01 lots.
Leverage up to 1:500.
Minimum required deposit: $100.
Access to exclusive education and tools.

Premium Trading Account:

Raw Forex spreads starting from 0.0 pips with an $8 commission per lot.
Flexible trade size starting from 0.01 lots.
Leverage up to 1:500.
Minimum required deposit: $500.
Provides access to certain educational materials and unique tools.

Ultimate Trading Account:

Raw Forex spreads starting from 0.0 pips with a $5 commission per lot.
Flexible trade size starting from 0.01 lots.
Leverage up to 1:500.
Minimum required deposit: $25,000.
Offers access to advanced tools and educational materials.

Variable  Starter  Premium  Ultimate
Minimum Investment $100 $500 $25000
Spread Variable From 0.0 pips From 0.0 pips
Commission $0 $8 $5
Leverage Up to 1:500 Up to 1:500 Up tp 1:500
Minimum size 0.01 lots 0.01 lots 0.01 lots
Stop-Out 20% 20% 20%
Margin Call 100% 100% 100%
Execution Type NDD NDD NDD
Forex Expert
Trading Central
Webinars Monthly Exclusive Exclusive
Training Sessions 1 x (1 on1) 3 x (1 on1)
Education Basic Advance Advance

Does Orbex offer a demo account?

Yes, Orbex provides a demo account that allows traders to access comprehensive educational resources and engage in 100% free online trading. This broker offers up to $5,000,000 in virtual funds for practicing trading skills on the MT4 platform.

Trading Instruments

Orbex Broker offers online CFD trading with over 300 pairs of forex currencies, stocks, indices, commodities, energies, metals, futures, and

, providing deep liquidity from tier 1 banks through secure and fast execution. You can also trade precious metals and energies through NDD connectivity.

Orbex Broker Fees

The fees with Orbex are determined based on the type of account you use, with the Starter account primarily based on spreads, while the other two accounts are mostly commission-based. Commissions also vary based on the account type and the asset class you choose to trade.

Deposit Fees No
Withdrawal Fees No
Inactivity Fees Yes
Fees Ranking Low


See the commissions for each asset below for both Premium and Ultimate accounts:

  • Forex: $0 commission for variable spreads, $8 per lot commission for raw spreads starting from 0.0 pips with the Premium account, and $5 per lot commission for raw spreads starting from 0.0 pips with the Ultimate account.
  • Commodities: $0
  • CryptoCurrencies: 0.5%
  • Stocks, Indices, Futures: 0.16% standard commission.

Spreads at Orbex

The spreads at Orbex Broker are determined based on the type of account you have. While fixed spreads in the Classic account start a bit higher, at 1.9 pips, the Standard account offers spreads starting at 1.5 pips. Additionally, you can access a discounted commission of $5 once the trading volume and account increase. This broker provides low spreads for the Standard account across virtually all asset classes. Spreads may be wider for other account types, but they allow access to various trading strategies.

Here are the spreads for some forex pairs and commodities:

EUR/USD Spread 0.8 pips
Crude Oil (WTI) Spread 4 pips
Gold Spread 2.5 pips

You can view spreads for some forex pairs in the chart below for various account types.

Spreads at Orbex

Overnight Rollover

For overnight rollover costs, which are considered as trading fees, please refer to the chart below.

Overnight Rollover

Deposit and Withdrawal Methods

Another important factor to consider when choosing a forex broker is how you can transfer funds to and from your trading account. Regulated brokers typically follow the best practices in this regard. Here, we’ll look at the various deposit and withdrawal methods available with this broker.

Orbex Broker offers one of the fastest transaction processing times with a variety of payment methods, including:

1. Neteller
2. Credit/Debit Cards
3. Skrill
4. WebMoney
5. Fasapay
6. Bank Transfer

Minimum Deposit at Orbex Broker

The minimum deposit with Orbex depends on the type of account you choose for trading. For a Starter account, it’s $100, for Premium, it’s $500, and for Ultimate, it’s $25,000. Keep in mind that terms and strategies may vary depending on the type of account.

How to Withdraw from Orbex Broker?

Withdrawals are processed via the account management area. Since there are no usual withdrawal fees from this broker, make sure to check with your payment provider if there are any internal fees from their end.

How to Withdraw from Orbex Broker?

Trading Platforms

This broker offers the popular MT4 trading platform, which is known for its advanced charting features, multilingual support, security, and reliability. It supports various trading styles and is widely recognized and used in the forex industry. Orbex is committed to this technology and software due to its reputation.

Web-Based Platform

Orbex provides an award-winning and user-friendly platform built on MT4. It offers desktop, mobile, web, and iOS versions of the platform. The web-based platform is an excellent choice for traders with average trading volumes, as it provides easy access from any device. However, it offers limited access to research tools, customization, and comprehensive drawing tools.

Desktop Platform

If you’re committed to professional trading, the desktop platform is likely your choice. It includes all the features that make MT4 famous and widely used: excellent charts, various order types, advanced analytical tools, and robotic systems available for automated forex trading using artificial intelligence. Additionally, Orbex Strategies bring powerful algorithmic trading systems that don’t require programming skills. You can also request a free VPS service that offers hosting advantages for running EAs 24/5 with faster execution speeds.

Mobile Platform at Orbex

This broker offers a mobile app for both Android and iOS devices. This mobile app allows you to stay updated on market conditions and manage your account and positions directly from your compatible mobile devices.

Customer Support

Orbex makes an effort to support its customers in their trading success by providing 24/5 customer support during business days. They offer multilingual support through email, live chat, and international phone lines. The customer support is responsive, and you can find answers to common questions in their frequently asked questions (FAQ) section.

Pros Cons
Quality customer support with live chat and quick responses. 24/7 customer support is not available.
quick responses
Multilingual support.

Forex Education

Another excellent aspect of this broker is its rich educational section, available for all users free of charge. Orbex customers have access to resources such as live webinars, e-books, and online courses designed to help them make more informed decisions.

They also offer analytical support and provide research materials for free. This includes economic calendars, calculators, and weekly reports.

Summary of Orbex Review

In summary, Orbex is a regulated broker that caters to traders of all levels, from beginners to professionals. They offer a variety of account types, extensive platform features, and a range of free tools to enhance the trading environment. Whether you prefer fixed or floating spreads, OTC or ECN connections, or specific trading strategies, it has options for you. Even beginners can benefit from their free educational tools and that makes it one of the best forex brokers for beginners.

Orbex is suitable for:

1. Beginner traders.
2. Professional traders.
3. Algorithmic traders or API users.
4. Those running Expert Advisors (EAs).
5. Traders interested in copy trading.
6. Scalpers.
7. Traders who prefer the MT4 platform.
8. Forex and CFD traders.
9. Various trading strategies.
10. Traders interested in high leverage.

Windsor Brokers Review accounts, Platforms and Fees

Windsor Brokers Review ❤️ Accounts, Platforms and Fees

Windsor Brokers was established in 1988 and is one of the longest-standing brokers in the world of forex. It provides a highly secure trading environment for traders and offers financial services to customers in over 80 countries worldwide, including Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Africa, Dubai, and Kenya. With regulations in place, the ability to open an account with a minimum capital of $100, numerous awards, and many advantages and features, Windsor Broker is among the best forex brokers for beginners and experienced traders. BrokerLand website will review all the key features you need to know about this broker.

ّIntroducing Windsor Brokers

Windsor Brokers, founded in 1988, is one of the oldest online brokers in the forex industry. It offers online CFD trading to customers in over 80 countries worldwide through two units. One is based in Cyprus and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), serving customers in Europe. Other parts of the world can access services through its unit in Belize and its sister office in Jordan. Both are regulated by the International Financial Services Commission of Belize and the Jordan Securities Commission.

The MetaTrader 4 trading platform is provided by Windsor Broker, allowing customers to access a wide range of financial assets for trading. It’s worth noting that this broker does not currently support MetaTrader 5, but this is not a significant limitation for traders, as various forex order types can be placed within the MT4 version. Additionally, this broker offers its own mobile app for both Android and iOS operating systems, which traders can download from their website.

When it comes to account options, Windsor Brokers simplifies the choice by offering two types of accounts: one for beginners and another for more experienced traders who can also upgrade to VIP status. There’s a trading account for MetaTrader 4 and a VIP ZERO account.

🏢Headquarter Belize
🗺️Regulation CySEC، FSC، JSC، FSA، CMA
📉Trading Instruments Forex، CFD، Metals, Futures, Cryptocurrency,…
🖥Trading Platform MT4
💰EUR/USD Spread From 0.2 pips
🎮Demo Account Available
💰Base currency AUD، USD، GBP، EUR
💳Minimum Deposit 50 Dollar
📚Learn Forex Trading Available
☎Customer Support 24/5

Regulation and Security

Windsor Brokers is not a scam and offers its services through two main units to ensure global coverage while providing a slightly different product in compliance with legal requirements in each jurisdiction. This broker is supported by a wide range of high-level licenses and offers a compensation plan in case of fund loss. It’s important to note that conditions may vary from one jurisdiction to another.

Windsor Broker is regulated by the Financial Services Commission (“FSC”) of Belize, which is an offshore region. Additionally, Windsor Brokers Ltd is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and holds an EEA license, complying with MiFID regulations to offer trading solutions in Europe. Moreover, it is registered in Jordan to provide legal trading services, opening opportunities for those traders with Islamic swap-free accounts.

Windsor Broker Licenses:

  1. Windsor-Brokers (BZ) Ltd – Licensed by FSC (Belize)
  2. Windsor-Brokers Ltd – Regulated by CySEC (Cyprus) Registration No. 030/04
  3. Seldon Investments Limited – Licensed by JSC (Jordan) Registration No. 18/01855/1/3
  4. Windsor-Brokers International Ltd – Licensed by FSA (Seychelles) Registration No. SD072
  5. Windsor Markets Limited – Licensed by CMA (Kenya) Registration No. 209/4201

Windsor Broker Awards:

The awards received by Windsor Brokers over the years reflect the good conditions this broker has provided in the past. They have made significant progress, shifting from primarily operating in Europe to becoming a truly global broker with wide regional coverage. Some of the awards received by this broker include:

  • Awards in 2022:

– Best Forex Brokerage Program Jordan Forex Expo & Jordan Money Expo 2022
– Best Multi-Asset Forex Brokerage 2022 at the Dubai Forex Expo 2022

  • Awards in 2021:

– Most Trusted Forex Broker of the Year 2021 at JFEX – Jordan

  • Awards in 2018:

– Best Multi-Trading Platform by Global Brands Magazine
– Best Company in Charity and Corporate Social Responsibility by International Finance Magazine
– Best Customer Support in the Forex Industry by International Business Magazine
– Best Forex Broker by IFF – Malaysia
– Most Transparent Forex Broker in Jordan
– Best Forex Research Team by Cyprus

  • Awards in 2017:

– Best Broker of the Year at Jordan Forex Expo & Awards
– Most Trusted Forex Broker at Jordan Forex Expo & Awards
– Most Trusted Forex Broker at UK Forex Awards

  • Awards in 2015:

– Most Trusted Forex Broker at Saudi Money Expo
– Sound Industrial Relation by OEB – Cyprus

  • Awards in 2014:

– Best Forex Technology at Saudi Money Expo
– Excellence in Business Award by CIBA – Cyprus
– International Investment Award by CIPA – Cyprus
– Best Trading Software Award at Saudi Money Expo
– Best Forex Market Presenter at China International Expo

  • Awards in 2013:

– Best New Trading Platform at MENA 12th Forex Show
– Most Innovative Platform at 5th Saudi Money Expo
– Best Affiliate Support at 4th Saudi Money Expo

  • Awards in 2012:

– Best Trading Platform at Saudi Money Exhibition
– Best Forex Broker at Middle East Forex Expo

  • Awards in 2011:

– Best Forex Broker at Middle East Forex Expo

  • Awards in 2010:

– Best Forex Broker at Middle East Forex Expo

Windsor Broker Awards:Leverage and Margin at Windsor Brokers

When trading with Windsor Broker, you have the option to use powerful leverage, which can potentially increase your profits. However, it’s crucial to learn how to use leverage correctly to manage stop-outs, as this tool can also increase your potential losses.

  • Windsor Brokers offers both high levels of leverage, such as 1:200, 1:400, or 1:500, for professional traders dealing with the global entity of Windsor.
  • Alternatively, for residents of Europe, a lower level of up to 1:30 is available. This is because CySEC, in conjunction with ESMA, restricts the use of high leverage.

The table below shows the leverage levels and required margins at Windsor Broker.

Trading Volume (Lots) Maximum Leverage Required Margin
0-10 1:1000 0.10%
10.01-100 1:500 0.20%
100.01-150 1:200 0.50%
150.01-250 1:100 1%
250.01-350 1:50 2%
350.01+ 1:25 3.33%

Types of Windsor Broker’s Trading Accounts

There are two types of trading accounts available at Windsor Broker, categorized based on the platforms you use and the size of your trades. The positive aspect is that these accounts come with protection against negative balances, multi-lingual customer support, and other educational advantages in forex trading. This makes it easier for traders to engage in forex trading with confidence during their preferred forex trading sessions.

MetaTrader4 Zero Account:

  • Minimum Deposit: $1000
  • Spread on Major Symbols: From 0 pips
  • Maximum Leverage: 1:1000
  • Commission per Trade: $8
  • Minimum Trade Size: 0.01 lots
  • Maximum Limit per Order (Forex): 50 lots
  • Hedging and Risk Hedging Available
  • No Swap-Free Accounts
  • Protection against Negative Balance
  • Personal Account Manager
  • No Demo Account Available
  • Stop Out at 20% Margin Call at 100%

MetaTrader4 Prime Account:

  • Minimum Deposit: $50
  • Spread on Major Symbols: From 1.0 pip
  • Maximum Leverage: 1:1000
  • No Commission
  • Minimum Trade Size: 0.01 lots
  • Maximum Limit per Order (Forex): 50 lots
  • Hedging and Risk Hedging Available
  • Islamic/Swap-Free Accounts Available
  • Protection against Negative Balance
  • Personal Account Manager
  • Practice and Education Available
  • Stop Out at 20% Margin Call at 100%

Zero VIP Account:

  • Suitable for professional traders
  • Features include a personal account manager, one-on-one training sessions with Windsor Broker’s senior analyst, and lower trading commissions.

Windsor Brokers offers a wide range of trading assets, including Forex, stocks, and cryptocurrencies, allowing traders to add these assets to their portfolios and potentially profit from them. You can also connect your account to the MQL website, as is common with other brokers.

Trading Instruments at Windsor Broker

There is a wide range of assets available for trading at Windsor Broker. These assets include Forex, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. If you wish, you can add these assets to your trades and potentially profit from them. It’s worth noting that trading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can be a profitable avenue, especially since personal bitcoin mining has become increasingly challenging and constrained. Below, you can view the trading instruments offered at Windsor Brokers.

Trading Instruments at Windsor


The fees at Windsor Broker vary depending on the type of account you use and are either in the form of spreads or embedded commissions. You can see the cost table below. Deposits and withdrawals with Windsor Brokers are free and incur no charges.

Type of Fee Windsor Broker Fee
Deposit Commission No
Withdrawal Fee NO

Spreads at Windsor Broker

Spreads at Windsor Brokers are, like with any other broker, offered based on the type of account you are trading with. For example, you can see spreads for major trading pairs like EUR/USD, crude oil, and gold in the table below for different account types.

Account Type Trading Instrument Trade Size Minimum Spread (Pips) Typical Spread (Pips)
MetaTrader4 Zero EURUSD 100,000 EUR 0 0.2
MetaTrader4 Zero Gold 100 oz 0.08 0.13
MetaTrader4 Zero Crude Oil 1000 barrels 0.03 0.03
MetaTrader4 Prime EURUSD 100,000 EUR 1 1.5
MetaTrader4 Prime Gold 100 oz 0.24 0.28
MetaTrader4 Prime Crude Oil 1000 barrels 0.03 0.03

Trading Platforms at Windsor Brokers

As mentioned earlier in this review, Windsor Broker offers the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. It has been used by forex traders for almost two decades and remains a favorite among traders. The ability to install the best forex indicators, use Expert Advisors, and the user-friendly interface have kept this platform popular. Additionally, MT4 is suitable for trading CFDs.

Windsor Brokers also provides its own applications for Android and iOS. You can download these apps from the broker’s website.

Trading Platforms at Windsor Brokers

Deposit and Withdrawal Methods

Windsor Broker offers a complete range of deposit and withdrawal methods, like most other brokers. You can choose one of the following methods based on your preference:


  • VISA card: USD – Same Day Processing – Max. amount: 25000 – Fees: 0%
  • Master card: – USD – Same Day Processing – Max. amount: 25000 – Fees: 0%
  • Wire Transfer: – USD, EUR, KWD – Process time: Varies – Max. amount: NA – Fees: Vary


  • VISA card: USD EUR GBP – Same Day Processing – Max. amount: None – Fees: $3,€3,£3/transaction
  • Master card: USD, EUR, GBP – Same Day Processing – Max. amount: None – Fees: $3,€3,£3/transaction
  • Wire Transfer: USD, EUR, KWD – Process time: Varies – Max. amount: NA – Fees: Varies

For withdrawals from your account at Windsor Broker, you can use the same methods available for deposits. Withdrawals are easily processed through your user menu and the withdrawal section.

Windsor Broker’s Customer Support

Customer support at Windsor Brokers is available from Monday to Friday. You can contact their support team via email, web form, phone, or live chat. They offer support in multiple languages.


Windsor Broker is one of the oldest brokerage companies and has been a top choice for traders in many countries due to its advantages and high security. This broker offers not only the popular MT4 platform but also its own applications for Android and iOS. Customer support at this broker is of a high standard. Having MetaTrader 4 as a trading platform is excellent, and the fees, spreads, commissions, deposit and withdrawal conditions are fair and reasonable.


  • Windsor Brokers is a regulated and secure broker with several licenses.
  • It offers various account types suitable for both professional and novice traders.
  • The option to use Expert Advisors.
  • Trading in forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs.
  • Suitable for various trading strategies, including scalping and swing trading.
  • A wide range of tradable symbols.
  • Competitive trading conditions.
  • Multiple industry awards.
  • Convenient and diverse deposit and withdrawal methods.


The only potential downside is the lack of support for MetaTrader 5.

LiteForex LiteFinance Broker Review All Features 2023

LiteForex Broker Review ❤️ Litefinance 2024

On this page of BrokerLand website, we take a closer look at LiteForex broker and provide a comprehensive review. LiteForex, established over 17 years ago, has consistently been a secure and reliable choice for both novice and experienced traders worldwide.

Introducing LiteForex (LiteFinance) Broker

LiteForex broker was founded in 2005 and has since opened its offices in various countries, including Bulgaria, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand, and Poland. These offices serve as primary centers for LiteForex to offer financial services in the forex market across different regions. Presently, the company is recognized as one of the top forex brokers.

LiteForex Broker Overview
🗺️ Headquarters Cyprus
⚖️ Regulation CySEC, MIBS
💰 Minimum Deposit $1
💰 Maximum Leverage 1:1000
📊 Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5
🎮 Demo Account Available
🛍️ Trading Instruments Forex, Precious Metals, Cryptocurrencies, Oil, Global Stocks, and more…

LiteForex is regulated by CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) under license number 093/08. The brand was established in 2005 as a trading name for Lite Finance and was officially registered in the Marshall Islands in September 2013.

It’s worth noting that LiteFinance Broker was the first broker to introduce cent accounts with a minimum deposit of just $1, making it possible for traders with limited capital to connect to the international financial markets directly and place orders.

Over the past 17 years, LiteForex  Broker has excelled in adapting to market conditions and consistently improving the quality and breadth of its services.It has always been a leading broker in offering trading bonuses and has kept traders satisfied with its range of tradable assets. For instance, it fully introduced cryptocurrencies for trading on its MetaTrader platform, positioning itself as a premier broker. This commitment to excellence has consistently earned LiteFinance a place among the top 100 brokers worldwide in World Finance Magazine.

Types of Accounts at LiteForex Broker

Apart from the Forex demo account that all brokerage firms offer for testing their trading conditions and servers, this broker provides three types of accounts: Cent accounts, Classic accounts, and Professional ECN accounts with floating spreads. To successfully pursue a trading career, it’s necessary to decide on your account type. In all three types of accounts, you can choose leverage up to 1:1000, depending on your trading strategy. Now, let’s see how these accounts differ from each other:

Cent Account

These accounts have floating spreads, but the spreads on Classic accounts are slightly higher because market makers have to convert your trade amount to dollars and then enter it into the cash flow, which slightly increases your trading costs.

Classic Account

  • Classic accounts at LiteForex are among the most popular accounts because you can activate this account with a deposit of $50.
  • You can use various indicators and expert advisors, and make use of tools like stop trailing and one-click trading.
  • Additionally, you can also use copy trading, which we will explain in more detail later in this article.

Professional ECN Account

The Professional account at LiteFinance is ultimately designed for professional traders who are looking for low spreads starting from 0 pips, which are floating.
These traders want to connect directly and without intermediaries to the international Forex market.
With LiteForex, you can activate this professional account with a minimum deposit of $50.

In summary, LiteFinance broker offers different types of accounts to cater to traders with varying levels of experience and risk preferences, from novices to professionals. The choice of account type depends on your trading strategy, experience, and personal preferences.

Spread Floating, starting from 0.0 pips. Floating, starting from 1.8 pips. Floating, starting from 3 pips.
Commission Starting from $0.25 per lot. No No
Execution instant instant instant
Trading Platform MT4/MT5 MT4/MT5 MT4/MT5
Leverage 1:1000 – 1:1 1:1000 – 1:1 1:200 – 1:1
Urrency USD, EUR USD, EUR Cents Dollar, Cents Euro
Minimum Deposit $50 $50 $10
Annual Interest Rate 2.5% 0% 0%
Swap-Free Accounts Available Available Available
Social Trading Available Available Available
Lot size، $ 100000 100000 1000
Minimum Step 0.01 0.01 0.01
Minimum Volume 0.01 0.01 0.01
Maximum Volume 100 100 100
Maximum Number of Orders 500 300 300
Margin Call Leve 100 100 100
Stop Out Level 20 20 50


In ECN accounts, you can trade the EUR/USD currency pair with a minimum floating spread of 0.0 pips and a commission of $10 per lot. The commission amount can vary up to $30 per lot, depending on the currency pair you are trading. However, this is still very competitive compared to most other forex brokers. For CFDs, the commission ranges from $0.5 to $20, and for cryptocurrencies, it’s $0.5. If you choose to trade in a CLASSIC account, you can avoid commissions and instead have floating spreads starting from 1.8 pips.

Another cost to be aware of is the Swap Rate, or overnight interest, which is common among all brokers. However, by selecting the Islamic mode when opening an account, you can eliminate it. But remember that Islamic or Swap-Free accounts have a time limitation for keeping trades open, typically 14 days, and no broker allows you to keep trades open for more than 14 days in these accounts.

Average Spreads in LiteForex Broker Accounts

One very interesting aspect of LiteForex as a broker is its commitment to transparency and honesty. The broker provides the average spreads of its accounts on its official website several times a week. For example, the statistics below are for August 22, 2022:

Please note that the accuracy of the numbers mentioned is in pipettes, which means one-tenth of a pip. For example, in the table above, the number 2.4 is equivalent to 0.24 pips, and the number 36.4 is equivalent to 3.64 pips. This information helps traders gauge the cost of trading with LiteForex and provides valuable transparency.

Curency Pair ECN CLASSIC
AUDUSD 4.6 24.6
EURUSD 2.4 22.4
GBPUSD 6.9 26.9
NZDUSD 5.8 25.8
USDCAD 6.9 26.9
USDCHF 8.2 28.1
USDJPY 7.1 27.1
XAUUSD 14 54
XPDUSD 836.73 890.22
XPTUSD 255.14 305.65
GBPJPY 17.3 77.3
EURCHF 8.3 52.2
EURGBP 5.5 41.4
EURJPY 9.3 33.3

Trading Instruments in LiteForex

In addition to various major currency pairs in forex, you can also access various precious metals (gold, silver, etc.), CFDs, oil, indices, stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies at LiteForex. However, keep in mind that the trading conditions for these assets may vary, but you can access all of them through MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5.

Depositing and Withdrawing in LiteFinance

LiteForex Broker offers various options for depositing and withdrawing funds. Here is a list of the available methods:

  • Bank Cards:
  • Depositing and Withdrawing at LiteForex BrokerBank Wire:
  • Bank WireElectronic Transfers:
  • Electronic TransfersCrypto:

Crypto deposit at LiteForex

It’s essential to note that, similar to most brokers, LiteForex has a policy where you are only allowed to withdraw using the same method you used for depositing funds. In other words, if you deposited money via Perfect Money, you can only withdraw using the same method.

For example, if you deposited $5,000 via Tether (USDT) and $3,000 via TAP. You can withdraw money using both methods, but the withdrawal amounts will be proportional to the deposited amounts. This policy ensures the security and transparency of transactions in LiteForex.

How to Open an Account with LiteForex

Here is a step-by-step guide for registering and opening an account with LiteFinance:

  1. Visit the LiteForex website and change the site language to your choice from the top right corner.
  2. Click on the “Register” button.
  3. In the pop-up window, select your country, enter your email or mobile number, and set your password.
  4. Enter the code sent to your provided email or mobile number and click the “Confirm” button.
  5. To complete your profile, click on “My Profile” from the top left corner of the page and enter or verify your information.

How to Open an Account with LiteForex

In the “Identity Verification” section, make sure to provide your name and surname in English and your date of birth in the Gregorian calendar, matching your passport details. For address verification, input your address in English and upload a utility bill (water, gas, or electricity) as proof.

By following these steps, you can successfully register and open an account with LiteForex.

Trading Platforms at LiteForex Broker

Up to this point, we’ve explained how to get started with LiteForex, but after opening an account and selecting your account type, and depositing funds, all your trading activities are managed through trading platforms. Fortunately, LiteForex has chosen the all-time favorite platform for traders, MetaTrader, and offers both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, along with MultiTerminal and mobile versions. It is also providing CTrader.

Trading Platforms at LiteForex Broker

  • MT4: This is one of the most popular trading platforms for both novice and professional traders. It is packed with advanced trading features, including over 50 built-in indicators and graphical tools, 9 timeframes, and a complete trade history.
  • MT5: The MT5 platform offers even more features and is perfect for experienced traders. It provides a wider range of indicators, more timeframes, a complete set of order types, an economic calendar, and liquidity depth tools.
  • MetaTrader Multi-Terminal: This version is one of the most professional versions of MetaTrader and is designed for account managers and investors trading on multiple accounts who want to copy their trades in different proportions on different accounts. It offers more trading flexibility.
  • cTrader: cTrader is a popular and user-friendly trading platform known for its advanced charting and order execution capabilities. It is favored by many traders for its intuitive interface and robust features, making it a competitive choice in the world of forex and CFD trading.

LiteForex Bonuses

This broker continually provides exceptional services to traders. As of the time of writing this text, you can receive a 100% bonus for every deposit made with this broker. For example, if you deposit $5,000 using any of the deposit methods, your account will be credited with $10,000.

This feature is rarely seen with most brokers, and such offers usually change over time. It’s possible that when you read this article, the bonus has been replaced by a 30% bonus or another, even larger bonus. For reassurance, make sure to coordinate with the broker’s support before making any deposits.

LiteFinance Copy Trading

If you possess sufficient skills in analysis and trading and can consistently profit in Forex, this broker gives you the opportunity to get closer to your financial goals. You can create a profile in your trading panel, trade for a period, earn profits on your account, become known, and rest assured that substantial capital will be at the disposal of successful traders.

Even if you’re not a successful trader and are still in the learning and education phase of trading strategies and analysis, you can earn a good monthly income by investing in skilled traders. All you need to do is search among LiteForex Broker traders and find a trader whose trading results and risk appetite satisfy you.

Is LiteForex a Good Choice for Forex Trading?

LiteForex is a broker with many unique and special features that are not commonly found with most brokers. For example:

1. All withdrawal requests are processed automatically and instantly. Your funds are deposited into your account as quickly as possible.

2. Support for modern deposit and withdrawal methods such as Tether (USDT), Bitcoin, and others.

3. They provide dedicated VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting for trading. These servers are maintained in LiteForex’s data center and enable you to execute ultra-fast trades for a monthly subscription fee as low as $15.

4. Social trading and copy trading are integrated into the platform, allowing you to easily generate additional income by sharing or copying your trades.


  • Regulated by CySEC, a reputable regulatory authority.
  • 17 years of operational experience.
  • Easy deposit and withdrawal options in your local currency.
  • Excellent spreads in ECN accounts.
  • Provides copy trading with broker credibility.
  • Offers fast VPS hosting services.


  • Customer support may not be available on weekends.
  • This Broker does not offer PAMM (Percentage Allocation Management Module) accounts.

Overall, LiteForex Broker offers several advantages that can make it a good choice for Forex trading. The ability to use modern deposit and withdrawal methods, instant processing of withdrawal requests, and features like VPS hosting and copy trading contribute to its appeal. However, it’s important to consider your specific trading needs and preferences when choosing a broker.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is LiteForex a safe and reputable broker?

LiteForex is regulated by CySEC, which ensures its safety. LiteFinance Global is also registered offshore and provides a high level of financial security.

Where is the LiteFinance Broker office located?

LiteForex is based in Limassol, Cyprus. The central office of LiteFinance Global is located in Majuro, in the Marshall Islands.

How many types of accounts does LiteForex offer?

In addition to the Cent account, LiteForex Broker offers two other types of accounts: Classic and ECN.

Both of these accounts require an initial deposit of $50, and the stop-out level for both accounts is set at 20%.

RoboForex Broker Review How to open an account?

RoboForex Broker Review ⭐ How to open an account?

RoboForex is an online brokerage company that provides trading services to individuals and institutional clients in the global financial markets. Established in 2009, the company has since become a reputable player in the industry. To ensure the safety and security of client funds, RoboForex operates under the strict supervision of various regulatory authorities, including the International Financial Services Commission (IFSC) and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). These regulations provide a level of protection for traders’ investments.

RoboForex Broker offers a wide range of financial instruments for trading, including currencies, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Traders can access these markets through various trading platforms, such as MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), and cTrader, which are known for their user-friendly interfaces, advanced charting tools, and extensive technical analysis capabilities.

One notable feature of RoboForex is its variety of account types designed to cater to different trading needs. It provides different account options, including Pro-Standard, ECN, and Prime accounts, each tailored to suit different trading strategies and priorities. Additionally, RoboForex offers Islamic accounts for traders who adhere to Sharia principles. The broker is known for its competitive trading conditions, including tight spreads, fast execution, and a no-dealing-desk approach, which Brokerland will thoroughly examine in this broker review to assist you in making an informed choice when opening an account.

RoboForex Broker Review

RoboForex is a popular international brokerage established in 2009, offering its services globally, including Iran. The broker is highly regarded by traders in the Forex market, primarily due to its advanced trading offerings and favorable portfolio conditions.

RoboForex is a Belize-based Forex and CFD broker offering 8 asset classes and over 12,000 instruments for trading. One of its standout features is the wide range of trading platforms it offers, including MT5, MT4, cTrader, and the powerful R Stock Trader. The broker provides various advanced technologies for trading.

🏢Main Office Belize
🗺️Regulation FSC (Financial Services Commission)
📉Trading Instruments 8 asset classes including Forex, Stocks, Indices, ETFs, Commodities, Energies, and Metals
🖥Trading Platform MT4، MT5، R StocksTrader، cTrader
💳Minimum Deposit 10 $
💰Base currency USD، EUR، CNY، Gold
🎮Demo Account Available
💰EUR/USD Spread From 0 pips
📚Forex Learning Comprehensive educational resources with analysis
☎ Customer Support 24/7

RoboForex Pros ans Cons

RoboForex is considered a safe choice for trading through an internationally recognized institution. The broker boasts a long-standing history of excellent reputation and offers a wide range of account types, trading platforms, free proprietary Forex signals, and advanced research tools. It also provides powerful trading features suitable for advanced traders.

On the downside, trading commissions can vary depending on the platform and account type, which may seem complex. However, the company’s website contains detailed information about its terms, allowing for thorough analysis. Additionally, RoboForex is based in Belize, which, in terms of regulation and offshore status, enables it to offer services to Iranians.

pros cons
Long history and regulation None
Excellent reputation
Powerful trading features and advanced software recommendations such as MetaTrader, cTrader, R SocksTrader
A wide range of trading platforms
Free trading signals
Competitive trading conditions
High-quality educational materials to learn forex and outstanding research tools
Well customer support with live chat and rapid responses


RoboForex serves customers from over 169 countries, with around 1,000,000 traders, and provides support in over 10 languages. The focus is on developing trading proposals with innovative technological solutions and modern tools for trading.

Overall, RoboForex’s advances and offerings have been recognized with over 30 industry awards. Coupled with regular financial support and global activities, the company is well-known. It’s currently operating as the official sponsor of Cienciano Club for the 2022/23 season and supporting the fight of Andrei Kulebin.

2022 – 2021 Awards:

Best Mobile Trading Application
Best Prime Trading Account
Most Reliable Broker
Best Multi-Asset Trading Platform
Best Investment Products
Most Transparent Broker
Best Stock Broker
Broker of the Year
Best Investment Products
Most Profitable Broker
Best Partner Union of Traders
Most Reliable Broker
Best Stock Broker
Best Multi-Asset Trading Platform
Best Prime Trading Account
Most Transparent Broker
Best Mobile Trading Education App

Awards from 2020 – 2018:

Best Investment Products
Best Affiliate Program
Most Reliable Broker
Best Mobile Trading Application
Best Investment Platform
Best Stock Broker
Best Investment Products
Safest Broker
Best ECN Broker
Best ECN Broker
Best Broker, Eastern Europe
Silver Supporter of the Championship of Automated Trading
Fastest Growing ECN Broker in Eastern Europe


Is it a Safe Broker or a Scam?

RoboForex Broker is a regulated broker with a license from the Financial Services Commission (FSC) in Belize. This means it can be considered a trustworthy and safe broker. The FSC Belize adheres to international anti-money laundering (AML) policies.

RoboForex’s Safety Highlights:

  • Regulated by the FSC
  • A member of the Compensation Fund of the Financial Commission
  • Protection against negative balance
  • Verify My Trade (VMT) execution quality certificate

Is RoboForex Legitimate and Regulated?

RoboForex Ltd is an international Forex broker registered with the FSC in Belize under license number 000138/333. The broker has also received the Verify My Trade (VMT) execution quality certificate, confirming its compliance with the strict requirements of the Financial Commission for its broker members. Additionally, RoboForex protects its customers from negative balances and keeps their bank accounts separate for added fund security. This regulated broker ensures the safety of customer funds, making it a secure choice among the best Forex brokers for traders.

How Does RoboForex Protect Customer Funds?

RoboForex keeps customer funds separate from the company’s funds, ensuring protection against any illegal use. The company is also a member of the Compensation Fund of the Financial Commission, which can be utilized in unlikely scenarios where the company fails to meet its commitments.


RoboForex allows you to request leverage of 1:400, 1:500, or even up to a maximum of 1:2000 in your trades. Leverage is a tool that can potentially amplify your profits, but it’s essential to use it wisely, as it can also increase potential losses.


Types of Accounts at Roboforex

RoboForex Broker offers five different types of accounts to cater to various clients. You can use USD, EUR, CNY, or GOLD as the base currency for your account. Here’s a list of the available account types and their features for your convenience:

RoboForex offers five different types of accounts to cater to various clients. You can use USD, EUR, CNY, or GOLD as the base currency for your account. Here’s a list of the available account types and their features for your convenience:

Prime Account

  • Trading Platforms: MT4, MT5, proprietary platform
  • Tradable Symbols: 28 currency pairs, metals, CFDs on US stocks, CFDs on indices, oil CFDs, cryptocurrencies, CFDs on futures
  • Minimum Deposit: $10
  • Spreads: Floating from 0 pips
  • Maximum Leverage: 1:300
  • Deposit Bonus: Not available
  • Loyalty Bonus: Available

ECN Account

  • Trading Platforms: MT4, MT5, proprietary platform
  • Tradable Symbols: 36 currency pairs, metals, CFDs on US stocks, CFDs on indices, oil CFDs, cryptocurrencies, CFDs on futures
  • Minimum Deposit: $10
  • Spreads: Floating from 0 pips
  • Maximum Leverage: 1:500
  • Deposit Bonus: Not available
  • Loyalty Bonus: Available

R StocksTrader Account

  • Trading Platform: Proprietary R StocksTrader
  • Tradable Symbols: Over 12,000 real stocks, CFDs on stocks, currencies, ETFs, oil, metals, cryptocurrencies, futures
  • Minimum Deposit: $100
  • Spreads: From $0.01
  • Maximum Leverage: 1:500
  • Deposit Bonus: Not available
  • Loyalty Bonus: Not available

ProCent Account

  • Trading Platforms: MT4, MT5, proprietary platform
  • Tradable Symbols: 36 Forex currency pairs, metals, cryptocurrencies
  • Minimum Deposit: $10
  • Spreads: Floating from 1.3 pips
  • Maximum Leverage: 1:2000
  • Deposit Bonus: Available
  • Loyalty Bonus: Available

Pro Account

  • Trading Platforms: MT4, MT5, proprietary platform
  • Tradable Symbols: 36 currency pairs, metals, CFDs on US stocks, CFDs on indices, oil CFDs, cryptocurrencies, CFDs on futures
  • Minimum Deposit: $10
  • Spreads: Floating from 1.3 pips
  • Maximum Leverage: 1:2000
  • Deposit Bonus: Available
  • Loyalty Bonus: Available

These accounts cater to different trading styles and preferences, so you can choose the one that suits your needs best.

Account Trading Platform Trading Instrument Minimum deposit Spread Maximum Leverage deposit bonus loyalty bonus
prime MT4, MT5, Broker Platfom 28 currency pairs, metals, CFDs on U.S. stocks, CFDs on indices, oil CFDs, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs on futures.


۱۰ $ floating from ۰ pips ۱:۳۰۰ No Yes
ECN MT4, MT5, Broker Platfom 36 currency pairs, metals, CFDs on U.S. stocks, CFDs on indices, oil CFDs, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs on futures. ۱۰ $ floating from ۰ pips ۱:۵۰۰ No Yes
R StocksTrader


R StocksTrader Platfom


More than 12,000: indices, real stocks, CFDs on stocks, currencies, ETFs, oil CFDs, metal CFDs, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs on futures. ۱۰۰ $ from ۰.۰۱ $ ۱:۵۰۰ No No
ProCent MT4, MT5, Broker Platfom 36 Forex currency pairs, metals, and cryptocurrencies. ۱۰ $ floating from 1.3 pips ۱:۲۰۰۰ Yes Yes
Pro MT4, MT5, Broker Platfom 36 currency pairs, metals, CFDs on US stocks, CFDs on indices, CFDs on oil, cryptocurrencies, CFDs on futures. ۱۰ $ floating from 1.3 pips ۱:۲۰۰۰ Yes Yes

RoboForex Trading Instrument

RoboForex Broker offers a wide range of trading symbols for traders, including:

  1. Stocks
  2. Indices
  3. Futures
  4. ETFs
  5. Precious Metals (gold, silver, and over 20 ETFs on platinum, palladium, copper, and nickel)
  6. Energy (natural gas, ethanol, and more)
  7. Commodities
  8. Cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more)
  9. Forex currency pairs (over 40 pairs).

RoboForex Trading InstrumentFees

RoboForex’s trading costs start from 0 pips, and they offer fast order execution. After our analysis and comparison with over 500 other brokers, RoboForex’s costs are rated on average. Commissions may vary depending on the platforms, but you can see the overall costs in the table below.

Deposit Fee No
Withdrawal Fee No
Inactivity Fee No


Spread values depend on the type of trading account you have, and we’ve provided these values in the table below.

Account Type Spread
 prime Floating from 0 pips
ECN Floating from 0 pips
R StocksTrader From $0.01
ProCent Floating from 1.3 pips
Pro Floating from 1.3 pips

You can also see the spreads for EUR/USD, Crude Oil, and Gold in the table below.

Asset Spread
EUR/USD 1.4 pips
Crude Oil 5.2 pips
Gold 17.54 pips

Additionally, always consider the cost of rollover or overnight fees. These fees are approximately -0.6 for short positions on EUR/USD and -0.052 for long positions held for more than one day.

Deposits and Withdrawals at RoboForex

RoboForex offers a variety of payment methods, including bank transfers, credit cards, and e-wallets. Unfortunately, due to Iranian restrictions, these options may not be available for Iranian clients. Iranian clients may explore alternative methods such as exchanging local currency (Rial) via local exchanges and using digital wallets like WebMoney and Perfect Money for deposits and withdrawals at RoboForex.

Here is a step-by-step guide for withdrawing funds from RoboForex:

  1. Log in to your user account.
  2. Select “Withdraw Funds” from the menu tab.
  3. Enter the withdrawal amount.
  4. Choose the withdrawal method.
  5. Complete the electronic withdrawal request with the necessary details.
  6. Confirm and submit the withdrawal information.
  7. Check the current withdrawal status via your dashboard.

Trading Platforms

RoboForex offers a wide range of trading platforms for you to choose from, allowing you to tailor your trading approach to your preferences and style. The main recommendations are the MT4 and MT5 platforms, while traders can opt for cTrader or the proprietary platforms developed by RoboForex, R Web Trader, and R Mobile Trader.

Trading Platforms RoboForex
MT4 Available
MT5 Available
cTrader Available
Proprietary Platform Available
Mobile Apps Available

Web-Based Platforms

All offered platforms at RoboForex, including MetaTrader and cTrader, are available via web versions and desktop versions. These options provide comprehensive chart analysis and suitable toolbars for both professional traders and daily traders.

Desktop Platforms

Alongside desktop platforms, you can take advantage of the R StocksTrader strategy, a free and user-friendly tool aimed at automating trading performance for traders. This feature is excellent as it doesn’t require any programming skills, which are typically needed when using artificial intelligence in Forex.

MT4 is the most popular platform and includes advanced charting features along with robots and the best indicators, making it suitable for any trading strategy, such as scalping and stochastic strategies. If you prefer the latest version of MetaTrader, MT5 offers the choice between netting and hedging systems through four types of execution. Additionally, MT5 includes comprehensive market analysis tools.

Copy Trading

RoboForex Broker has developed customized tools and solutions for investors, allowing you to choose copy trading or find solutions for market professionals. The CopyFX platform is excellent for easy and reliable investing among over 9,000 top traders, similar to a PAMM account offered by some other brokers.


Copy Trading at RoboForex broker

Customer Support at RoboForex

In this brokerage, customer service is available 24/7 through live chat, email, and international phone lines. They offer support in more than 10 languages.

Customer support at RoboForex is highly ranked. Traders receive fast and informed responses, and access is very convenient during business days, which is a great feature.

Pros Cons
24/7 Support None
Responsive Communication
Live Chat and International Phone Lines
Multilingual Support

Forex Learning

RoboForex provides essential educational materials and resources to learn forex, especially valuable for beginners. You can also participate in trading competitions to assess your skills and increase your level. Market analysis, technical analysis, and a wide range of trading tools are available at RoboForex. Furthermore, traders can access a trading history and excellent tools, including a calculator, strategy builder, and trading ideas, dating back up to 1 year. All of these features are offered on the platforms along with powerful functionalities.

Conclusion of RoboForex Broker Review

In conclusion, RoboForex is a reliable broker that offers quality trading solutions and recommendations. Their flexibility in terms of platform diversity, currency pairs, and various types of trading accounts sets them apart as one of its key positive aspects. This broker provides excellent educational materials and research tools for traders at different levels.

RoboForex is suitable for:

  • Beginners and advanced traders
  • Traders who prefer MT4/MT5 and cTrader platforms
  • Forex and CFD trading
  • Various trading strategies
  • Algorithmic traders or API users
  • Traders in need of 24/7 customer support
  • Those looking for good educational and research content
HYCM Broker Review Trading Conditions, Features and Accounts

HYCM Broker Review ❤️ 2024 update

HYCM Broker, previously known as HY Markets, is considered one of the best forex brokers. This brokerage has over 40 years of experience in the market. It is a part of the Henyep International financial holdings, founded in 1977, with its headquarters in London, England. The Henyep Group is active in financial services, education, and real estate.

HYCM adheres to strict regulations, which it enforces in its offices worldwide and every relevant jurisdiction. Its offices are supervised by regulatory agencies in major cities around the world, including London, Limassol (Cyprus), Hong Kong, and Dubai. Furthermore, this broker provides powerful trading capabilities and offers an advanced range of trading tools with dedicated customer support. Here BrokerLand will review all the key features and anything you need to know to open an account in this broker.

2023 HYCM Broker Review

This broker has a long history of operation and is highly regulated. Opening an account with this broker is straightforward, and it offers various types of accounts with low costs and quality education and research. Additionally, it allows you to choose from various options for deposit and withdrawal.

HYCM Broker
🗺️ Headquartes United Kingdom (UK)
⚖️ Regulation FCA, ESMA, CySEC, DFSA, CIMA
💰 Minimum Deposit $100
💰 Maximum Leverage 1:30
📊 trading Platforms MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5
🎮 Demo Accounts Available
🛍️ Trading Instruments Forex, Metals, Gold, Silver, Energy (Oil and Gas), Commodities, Indices, and Stocks

Regarding the drawbacks of this broker, it operates differently depending on the entities. It lacks 24-hour support, and its trading tools are limited to Forex and CFD markets. However, it solely uses the MetaTrader trading platform.

HYCM Awards

This Broker provides a professional trading environment, making it highly respected globally. It has a long history in the financial industry and serves numerous clients worldwide. This is because it offers a trader-friendly environment for various types of traders. In fact, the HYCM brand is highly respected among traders and financial industry investors, earning multiple international awards for its achievements.

HYCM Awards

Is it scam or safe?

HYCM broker is not a scam but a reputable part of a global company with a strong track record and high trustworthiness. This entity is regulated by several government supervisory authorities such as FCA, CySEC, and DFSA. Therefore, it is considered a low-risk and safe broker for forex trading.

Is HYCM Broker Legal?

The main office of this broker is called Henyep Capital Markets, located in London, and is thoroughly assessed by the FCA. Therefore, it provides proper legal security for its clients worldwide and creates favorable conditions for cooperation. Other branches of the Broker also hold appropriate licenses from various places like Dubai and Cyprus, confirming HYCM’s exceptional adherence to legal guidelines.

Is HYCM Broker Legal?

HYCM Broker takes stringent regulations to ensure the complete protection of its customers. Customer deposits at this broker are always kept separate from the company’s funds, eliminating any doubts or suspicions regarding their use. Moreover, customers of the broker fall under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which is also applicable to legal entities.

Therefore, if, under any circumstances, HYCM is unable to provide further financial services, customers can receive compensation. However, the official regulations of the company can vary significantly depending on the specific entity and its auditing rules and conditions. Therefore, before investing, it’s essential to carefully review the specific rules of the entity in your country.

Leveraged Trading

Leveraged trading with HYCM Broker depends on the regulatory environment and jurisdiction where your trading account is established. Each jurisdiction is categorized under specific laws and regulations. Consequently, different levels of leverage and trading conditions will apply based on your place of residence. The leverage ratios offered by the Broker vary as follows:

  • Leverage ratio of 1:500 for accounts in Dubai and CIMA (Cayman Islands).
  • Leverage ratio of 1:30 for British and European traders.

Higher leverage ratios, up to 1:500, are also available in some accounts, enabling smaller and retail traders to participate. This is because a small initial deposit can cover trading margins. However, this high leverage is only allowed for accounts in Dubai and those in compliance with the Cayman Islands regulations. Most other accounts fall under European ESMA regulations, which recently capped leverage levels for forex instruments at a maximum of 1:30.

Types of Accounts at HYCM Broker

HYCM Broker offers three types of accounts: Fixed, Classic, and Raw Spread accounts, each with fundamental differences. It uses a Fixed Spread model with slightly higher margins than usual. However, this ensures that no commissions are charged on various trades.

The classic account also offers variable spreads to customers. In the raw spread account, spreads are determined by interbank rates and can be as low as 0 pips, along with a commission for each trade. However, the spread on trading accounts and specific conditions may vary based on the regulations of each jurisdiction.

Positive Aspects Negative Aspects
Quick Account Opening Types of accounts and offers may vary depending on the jurisdiction.
Clearly Defined Account Types
Clearly Defined Account Types
Demo and Swap-Free Accounts Available
Access to a Wide Range of Financial Instruments

HYCM Broker’s Fees

HYCM Broker’s fees differ depending on the chosen account type or the type of trade you engage in. You’ll need to decide which fee structure suits your trading style better. Fixed spreads are preferable for those who seek market stability even during forex news events. Classic variable spreads and zero commission accounts are more suitable for diverse trading styles and offer good value. Understanding a broker’s fees is crucial. Additional fees, such as commissions on deposits or withdrawals, as well as non-trading fees, are displayed in the following table.

Deposit Fee No
Withdrawal Fee Yes
Inactivity Fee Yes
Ranking of Fees Low to Average

Non-Trading Fees

HYCM’s fees, or its swap rate, are also affected by its overnight interest rate. Additionally, whether a position is long or short plays a role. Non-trading fees, in essence, differ when exchanging one currency for another. For example, the purchase order with the EUR/USD currency pair equals 3.25%. Meanwhile, the sale order adds 1.25% to this amount.

Also, consider the inactivity fee. HYCM Broker will charge you a monthly fee of $10 if your trading account remains inactive for a certain period.

HYCM Broker’s Spreads

HYCM provides different types of spreads depending on the chosen account type. Fixed spreads, although slightly higher than standard, are offered for specific accounts. On the other hand, the classic account offers variable spreads, which vary based on market conditions and fluctuations. Ultimately, raw spreads are a choice for more advanced traders, as they involve a commission of $4 per lot in each round.

Moreover, Islamic accounts and swap-free accounts are also available for traders. You can find HYCM’s spreads for various assets or currency pairs in the table below.

Currency Pair Spread
EUR/USD Currency Pair: 1.2 pips
Crude Oil (Texas) 6 pips
Gold 32 pips

Trading Instruments

HYCM Broker specializes in providing a wide range of trading instruments. It offers access to various financial and commodity instruments, including forex, precious metals like gold and silver, energy carriers like oil and gas, commodities, indices, and stocks. Additionally, this broker continuously improves its range of tools and now offers a broad selection of major cryptocurrencies to its users.

HYCM Broker’s Trading Platforms

HYCM, as a leading financial service provider, offers advanced trading platforms to its traders. They primarily prioritize and relies on the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for its trading activities. However, users can always choose the new version, MetaTrader 5 (MT5), if they prefer it.

HYCM Broker's Trading Platforms

1. Web Platform

MetaTrader 4 is an advanced software in the financial brokerage industry and is primarily known for its ease of use and comprehensive features. The web platform can be an excellent choice due to its easy access through any web browser, eliminating the need for special installations or configurations. However, its main drawback is the limited number of available trading tools and programs. For more in-depth analysis, it’s better to opt for the desktop version of MT4.

2. Desktop Platform

Professional and daily traders require a desktop platform that provides the full version of MT4 or MT5 with all the trading capabilities. MT4 is also suitable for novice traders, offering security, 24/7 support, automated trading capabilities, integrated technical analysis tools, fundamental market news, VIP personal seller services, experts, and many other features.

3. Mobile Platform

This Broker also offers a mobile application for traders who prefer trading on the go. The mobile platform allows users to trade anytime, anywhere. The HYCM Trader app is available on both Google Play and the App Store, making it easy to access. All you need to do is search for “HYCM” in these stores.

Deposits and Withdrawals at HYCM

There are various ways to fund trading accounts and withdraw funds from accounts offered by HYCM. They employ a democratic policy for transferring money, but the terms and methods of transfer can differ significantly depending on the specific account balance.

Deposit Options

HYCM customers can utilize regular bank cards and other common payment methods for making deposits. Visa or Mastercard, bank transfers, various electronic systems like WebMoney, UnionPay, Neteller, Skrill, along with Bitcoin are available deposit options with this broker.

Payment Type Minimum Amount Deposit Base Currency Processing Time Commissions
Bank Wire US $250 USD, EUR, KWD, AED, SAR, RMB 1 to 7 working days $0
Visa / Mastercard US $20 USD, EUR, GBP, RUB, AED 1 hour $0
neteller US $20 USD, EUR 1 hour $0
skrill US $20 USD, EUR 1 hour $0

Minimum Deposit

The minimum deposit at HYCM broker varies depending on the type of account you choose. For example, the Raw Spread account initially requires a deposit of $200, but in general, the minimum deposit can start from $100.


One of the great things about HYCM is that there are no deposit and withdrawal fees, meaning you can manage your costs easily. However, make sure to deposit in your account’s base currency and avoid multiple currency conversions. Withdrawal methods are similar to deposit methods.

Payment Type Minimum Amount Base Currency Processing Time Commissions
Bank Wire US $300 USD, EUR, GBP, AED 1 to 4 working days $0
Visa / Mastercard US $20 USD, EUR, GBP, RUB, AED, CAD 1 to 7 working days $0
neteller US $20 USD, EUR 24 Hours $0
skrill US $20 USD, EUR 24 Hours $0

HYCM Customer Support

Thius broker offers customer support in multiple languages through their customer service desks, catering to global needs. Even if customer service is available only on business days, they are highly responsive. It’s customer service is accessible through live chat, international phone lines, email, and more.


Another outstanding feature of HYCM is its commitment to education and sources to learn forex, providing all the knowledge necessary for successful trading. This includes trading courses, webinars, and seminars regularly held at different locations. You will also have access to technical and fundamental market analysis through educational materials, MT4 videos, and other essential resources.

These educational resources are highly beneficial, especially for novice traders. Along with excellent learning opportunities and research tools, they provide a great chance for a successful trading journey.


HYCM brokerage has a strong and trustworthy reputation in the financial market. It is a regulated broker with professional services that cater to the needs of traders. Traders can open an account with a very low deposit of $100 in this brokerage. Even novice traders can benefit from the well-rounded support and educational resources provided by the broker’s highly-educated customer support team.


1. Reputable with FSA and CySec regulation.
2. Over 40 years of company history.
3. Excellent trade execution speed.
4. Supports real (Rial) deposits and withdrawals.
5. Competitive spreads and commissions.
6. Strong customer support.


1. Doesn’t offer a Cent account.
2. Does not provide PAMM and copy trading accounts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is HYCM a regulated and reputable broker?

Yes, HYCM is regulated by two reputable authorities, FCA in the United Kingdom and CySEC in Cyprus, and it is under strict and continuous supervision. Additionally, the CIMA organization in Dubai has also approved this broker.

What trading platforms does HYCM offer?

You can choose from various trading platforms provided by this broker, including Windows, Android, and iOS versions, as well as MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms. These platforms are available for free and are easy to download and use.

What trading instruments are available?

HYCM offers over 100 different trading instruments, including currency pairs, well-known global indices, cryptocurrencies, and commodities like crude oil. You can trade these instruments as CFDs (Contracts for Difference).

IronFX Broker Review 2024

IronFX Broker Review 2024

IronFX broker is one of the prominent and best Forex brokers. It was founded in 2010 and has a decade of experience in the financial markets. With a strong foundation since its inception, this broker has gained a reputation as a trustworthy intermediary for traders worldwide.

IronFX, headquartered in Limassol, Cyprus, strategically operates from this European location and benefits from a favorable regulatory environment and membership in the European Union. The broker is regulated by various financial authorities in different jurisdictions and ensures commitment, security, and transparency. This regulatory framework enhances the position of IronFX Broker as a reliable and reputable platform for traders seeking a strong and beneficial trading experience. Stay tuned with Brokerland‘s broker reviews to provide you with all you need to know about one of the best forex brokers for beginners and experienced traders.

Review and Introduction of IronFX Broker

IronFX broker has over 1.2 million customers from 180 countries around the world, transforming it into a leading Forex and CFD broker since its establishment in 2010. Traders receive the reliable MT4 trading platform and benefit from its low trading fees, including a zero-spread account option.

Risk Warning: CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 61.8% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

headquarter Limassol, Cyprus
Regulation ASIC، CySEC، FCA
Year Founded 2010
Execution ECN/STP، market maker
Minimum Deposit 100 USD
Trading Platform MT4
Forex Signal
US Traders
Swap-free Account
Segregated Accounts
Managed Accounts
Support Hours 24/5
Customer Support
Demo Account
Minimum Raw Spread 0.0 pips
Minimum Standard Spread 0.3 pips
Minimum Forex Commission 18 $ per 1.0 standard lot
Cashback Discounts
Withdrawal Fees
Financial Funding Methods 7

Regulations and Security

Trading with a regulated broker restricts the potential for fraud and misconduct. Therefore, it is always recommended for traders to review the regulations and open an account with a broker that has the necessary licenses. IronFX provides its customers with services under the regulation of three entities, creating a secure environment.

Regulating Country
Regulatory Body
Regulatory License Number
Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission
United Kingdom
Financial Conduct Authority
 South Africa

Financial Sector Conduct Authority


Is IronFX a legal and safe broker?

IronFX Broker has over 10 years of experience and segregates client deposits from corporate funds. It offers protection against negative balances through its three subsidiary companies under its supervision. The combination of these features makes it an ideal and secure broker for starting Forex trading.


When evaluating a broker, transaction costs can be one of the most determining factors because they directly impact profitability.


The Absolute Zero account, with no commissions, offers minimum spreads ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 pips or $3.00 to $5.00 per standard lot for major currency pairs, making it one of the most competitive types of trading accounts available at IronFX Broker. Since the minimum deposit for most types of accounts is $100, the Absolute Zero account is highly recommended.

Withdrawal Fees
Commissions / Spreads Both
Withdrawal Options Various banking methods, Visa and Mastercard, WebMoney, Perfect Money are accessible.
Deposit Options Various banking methods, Visa and Mastercard, WebMoney, Perfect Money are accessible.

The minimum trading costs for EUR/USD at IronFX are as follows:

Average Spread
Commission per round lot
Cost per 1.0 standard lot
1.8 pips (Absolute Zero)
0.00 $
18.00 $
2.2 pips (Live Fixed)
0.00 $
22.00 $
0.0 pips (Live Zero Fixed)
36.00 $
36.00 $
1.6 pips (Zero Commission)
0.00 $
16.00 $
0.3 pips (Absolute Zero)
0.00 $
3.00 $

The most overlooked transaction costs are typically the swap rates in leveraged positions held overnight. Depending on your trading strategy, such as the MACD and Stochastic strategies, these rates can become the most significant fees in each trade. We always recommend that traders examine their overall transaction costs before making decisions.

MT4 traders can access swap rates from their platform by following these steps:

  1. Right-click on the symbol you’re interested in within the Market Watch window and select “Specification.”
  2. Scroll down until you see “Swap Long” and “Swap Short.”

Below is a list of sample transaction costs for buying and selling EUR/USD, holding the position for one night and seven nights in an Absolute Zero account with no commission:

For taking a buy/sell position with a standard lot of 1.0 in EUR/USD, with a minimum spread, and holding it overnight at IronFX, the costs are as follows:

Minimum Spread
Commission per round lot
Swap Long
Swap Short
Total Transaction Costs
0.3 pips
0.00 $
-11.75 $
14.75 $
0.3 pips
0.00 $
2.01 $
0.99 $
  • For taking a buy/sell position with a standard lot of 1.0 in EUR/USD, with a minimum spread, and holding it for one week, the costs are as follows:
Minimum Spread
Commission per round lot
Swap Long
Swap Short
Total Transaction Costs
0.3 pips
0.00 $
-82.25 $
85.25 $
0.3 pips
0.00 $
14.07 $
-11.07 $

Important Note: IronFX offers positive swap rates on eligible assets, meaning traders can earn money for holding leveraged positions overnight. Traders should consider these swap rates and can typically avoid them by closing positions before the cutoff time, usually around 17:00 EST.

Trading Instruments at IronFX

This broker offers a wide range of assets, exceeding 300 trading instruments. They highlight their availability of over 80 Forex currency pairs, making them an ideal Forex broker. Additionally, IronFX provides traders with 15+ commodity CFDs, 20+ index CFDs, 30+ futures contracts, and 150+ stock CFDs.

  • Forex Currency Pairs: ✅
  • Cryptocurrencies: ❌
  • Commodities: ✅
  • Metals: ✅
  • Indices: ✅
  • Stocks: ✅
  • CFDs: ✅
  • Oil: ✅
  • Gold: ✅
  • Bonds: ❌
  • ETFs: ❌
  • Options: ✅
  • Stock CFDs / DMA Stocks: ✅
  • Maximum Retail Leverage: 1:30
  • Maximum Pro Leverage: 1:30

Trading Instruments at IronFX

Leverage at IronFX Broker

Leverage at IronFX depends on the subsidiary’s operational and asset class. Forex traders in South Africa can receive a maximum leverage of 1:500, while those in Cyprus and the UK receive 1:30. Maximum leverage for commodities ranges from 1:10 to 1:20, and for stock CFDs, it goes up to 1:20. Traders should ensure that they manage risk to prevent significant losses and always consider the risk-to-reward ratio. IronFX provides protection against negative balance, meaning traders cannot lose more than their deposits.

The trading hours for various assets at IronFX are as follows: (Trading Hours (GMT + 2))

market From To
Forex Monday 00:00 Friday 24:00
Commodities Monday 01:00 Friday 24:00
European Stocks Monday 10:00 Friday 18:30
US Stocks Monday 16:30 Friday 23:00قابل توجه:

Unlike Forex, which offers 24-hour trading opportunities due to various Forex sessions, and commodities that mainly trade 24/5, stock markets do not operate in the same manner as seen in the table.

Types of Accounts at IronFX

IronFX Broker offers eight account options, with a minimum deposit requirement of $100 for most of them. Let’s explore the types of these accounts and their features.

It provides two demo accounts, Demo Floating Spread and Demo STP/ECN Absolute Zero. The first one is entirely customizable, while the latter is only available as a USD option with a default balance of $100,000, where traders can select their desired leverage. This broker doesn’t list any expiration time, which is excellent as all demo traders require unlimited access.

  • Live Floating/Fixed Spread Accounts at IronFX Broker
CFD Instruments Forex, Metals,
Indices, Commodities,
Futures, Shares
Forex, Metals,
Indices, Commodities,
Futures, Shares
Forex, Metals,
Indices, Commodities,
Futures, Shares
Forex, Metals,
Indices, Commodities
Minimum Lot Size 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Spread Floating from 1.6 Fixed to 2 Floating from 1.4 Fixed to 1.8 Floating from 1.2 Fixed to 1.6 Fixed to 0
Commission No No No Yes
Flexible Leverage Up to 1000 1000 1000 500
Stop out 20% 20% 20% 50%
Swap free/Islamic Account Option Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dedicated Account Manager Available 24/5 24/5 24/5 24/5
Dealing Department Transaction Hotline Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • CSTP/ECN Accounts at IronFX
CFD Instruments Forex, Metals,
Indices, Commodities
Forex, Metals,
Indices, Commodities
Forex, Metals,
Indices, Commodities
Minimum Lot Size 0.01 0.01 0.01
Spread from 0.9 0 0
Commission No Yes No
Flexible Leverage Up to 500 500 200
Stop out 50% 50% 50%
Swap free/Islamic Account Option No No No
Dedicated Account Manager Available 24/5 24/5 24/5
Dealing Department Transaction Hotline Yes Yes Yes

Trading Platforms

IronFX broker offers the main trading platform, MetaTrader 4, which is a leading platform for algorithmic trading, as we discussed in forex artificial intelligence. They also mention that MT5 will be available soon.

Platform Languages English, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, French, Turkish, German, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Greek, Thai, Swedish, Polish, Hungarian
 Operating System Compatibility Mac, Windows, Mobile, Web, iPhone iOS, iPad iOS
Mobile Alerts
Email Alerts
Guaranteed Limit Orders
Guaranteed Execution
One-Click Execution
OCO Orders
Margin Interest
Web-Based Trading
Mobile Tradin
Proprietary Platform
Auto Trading
Guaranteed Stop Loss

IronFX Broker Awards

IronFX broker has received multiple awards for various aspects of its competitive trading environment. Some of the most recent awards include:

  • Best Online Trading Platform (2019)
  • Best Global Currency Trading Online Platform (2019)
  • Broker of the Year (2019)
  • Most Trusted Forex Broker – Global (2019)
  • Leading Global cruptocurrency Trading Experts (2019)
  • Outstanding Provider of Online Trading Solutions (2019)
  • International Markets – Best Forex Operator of the Year (2020) by Forex Iron FX
  • Best Online Trading Company and Financial Services (2020)
  • Best International Forex Online Trading Platform (2021) / ACQ5
  • International Currency Trading Online Platform of the Year – Iron FX (2021) / ACQ5
  • Outstanding Online Trading Partner Program (2021) / AI GLOBAL MEDIA LTD
  • Outstanding Online Trading Partner Program (2022) / Global Awards 2022
  • Best Educational Broker for 2023 by THE EUROPEAN AWARDS

IronFX Broker Awards

Customer Support

IronFX broker provides customer support 24/5 in languages including Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese, and more. They also offer Persian and Hindi in their FAQ section and provide live chat with quick response times for essential inquiries.

Support Hours ۲۴/۵
Customer Support Email, Chat Online
Customer Support Languages English, Persian, Spanish, and more…

Minimum Deposit

The minimum deposit at IronFX broker for most accounts is $100, except for the Zero Spread option, which requires $500.

Payment Methods at IronFX Broker

This brokerage supports various payment methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, Skrill, Neteller, FasaPay, and Perfect Money.

Deposits and Withdrawals

IronFX broker processes all financial transactions for verified customers. The minimum deposit is $100, which is also the minimum withdrawal amount. The processing time depends on the geographical location and payment processors used, and the broker processes them within one to ten business days. There are no fees for domestic deposits and withdrawals, except for scalpers who request withdrawals without making a trade, in which case a 3% fee applies.

Traders also need to consider third-party processing fees and currency conversion costs, just like with any other broker. Only verified accounts can deposit and withdraw, and the name on the payment processor must match the account name at IronFX. Some payment processors may have geographical restrictions, but the broker’s support department lists only those available to traders.

Summary of IronFX Broker Review

The trading environment at IronFX broker is very popular in the Absolute Zero account due to its competitive trading fees. Additionally, it is an ideal broker for forex traders because of its above-average selection of currency pairs, a well-structured trading environment, and a dedicated customer support team, making it an excellent choice for registration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is IronFX broker regulated?

Yes, various entities within the IronFX Group hold regulatory licenses in Cyprus, the United Kingdom, and South Africa.

How long does a withdrawal from IronFX broker take?

Withdrawals from IronFX can take between one to ten business days, depending on the geographical location and payment processors used by traders.

Is IronFX broker legal?

It is a legal broker with three subsidiary companies under regulation and a track record of over ten years in operations.

IFC Markets Broker Review.Is it scam or regulated?

IFC Markets Broker Review ❤️ Regulated MT5 Broker

IFC Markets Broker has been providing its trading services to over 165,000 customers for more than a decade. These trading and commercial services are offered through numerous trading tools and multiple opportunities. It’s worth noting that IFC Markets is a part of the IFCM Group of companies, a holding that engages in providing services and developing projects in the field of financial technologies while complying with international legal requirements. Let’s conduct a comprehensive review of this broker, which has recently been listed among the best forex brokers on the Brokerland website.

IFC Broker, a financial broker, has been offering its trading services to over 165,000 customers for more than a decade. These services cover a wide range of trading instruments and platforms. While the broker is based in Cyprus, it also operates internationally through additional entities in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Labuan, Malaysia.

Pros and Cons of IFC Markets Broker

IFC Markets provides CFD trading, excellent education through its academy, MT4 and MT5 platforms, and proprietary software. It also offers quick account opening, free demo accounts, low costs, and a wide range of trading tools. On the downside, it doesn’t offer 24/7 customer support, different conditions apply to its subsidiary entities, and there are fees for deposits.

IFC Markets Broker
🗺️ Headquarters Cyprus(BVI)
⚖️ Regulation CySEC, BVI FSC
💰 Minimum Capital  100$
💰 Maximum Leverage 1:400
📊 Trading Platforms NetTradeX, MT4, MT5
🎮 Initial Bonus Up to 50% on account deposits
🛍️ Trading Instruments Offers 600 instruments, including currencies, metals, indices, stocks, commodities, gold, ETFs, Cryptocurrencies, and more.

Is IFC Broker Safe?

Security in brokers and crypto exchanges, whether centralized and traditional like Coinex, ByBit, or decentralized crypto currency exchanges like PancakeSwap and SushiSwap, is one of the most important and fundamental principles of choice.

We consider IFC Broker a safe broker due to its compliance with regulations set by the European authority CySEC. The broker is committed to adhering to strict rules and regulations as its authorities oversee all stages of trading and investment. However, this is a trading name used by two separate companies: IFCMARKETS CORP, registered in the British Virgin Islands (BVI FSC), and IFCM CYPRUS LIMITED, a Cypriot investment company under CySEC regulations.

Despite the BVI jurisdiction being offshore, we recommend caution when dealing with financial companies based in such areas, as they may not have the same level of oversight. This broker has another entity, IFCM CYPRUS LIMITED, registered in Cyprus and regulated by CySEC.

Regulators, Countries, and License Numbers:

  • British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI FSC), British Virgin Islands, License Number: SIBA/L/14/1073.
  • Labuan Financial Services Authority, Malaysia (Federal Territory of Labuan), License Number: MB/20/0049.
  • Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), Cyprus, License Number: 147/11.

Protection at IFC Broker

IFCM CYPRUS LIMITED, as a CySEC-regulated broker, is also a member of the ICF (Investor Compensation Fund). The company’s charter complies with MiFID regulations from the European Commission, which allows it to provide secure investment services in the EEA. In general, customer safety at IFC is ensured through various means, including fund segregation, participation in compensation schemes, and the company’s own guarantees. The CORP entity in the British Virgin Islands will also have professional indemnity insurance with AIG EUROPE LIMITED for financial institutions.

Leverage Trading at IFC Markets

Leverage is a tool that allows you to trade a larger amount of money. This is done by using the power of leverage to magnify your initial balance, freeing up your money for other purposes. However, the potential for profit or loss increases in parallel, emphasizing the importance of learning and using it wisely.

Leverage Trading at IFC Markets

Leverage levels at IFC broker are determined by regulatory constraints and the country of your residence. Therefore, it’s essential to study the applicable conditions in your country and other legal regulations. For trading with the European entity of IFC Markets, the maximum leverage level for forex instruments is set at 1:30.

However, when trading with the international branches of this financial broker, you may have access to higher leverage, up to 1:300. One positive note about leverage at IFC Markets is that the broker provides services to protect against negative balances, helping traders to never incur losses exceeding their deposits.

Types of Accounts

IFC Markets Broker offers three types of accounts: Standard, Beginner, and Demo accounts. These accounts are available in different currencies, including US Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), and united Bitcoin (uBTC). This makes it easy to transfer funds, whether you prefer fixed or floating spreads on any of IFC Markets’ trading platforms. Typically, higher-tier accounts have better conditions and can provide higher leverage, up to 1:200. However, these types of accounts require larger deposits, starting at a minimum of $1000.

In addition to real trading accounts, IFC Markets offers a free demo account, which operates with virtual funds. This account is designed for studying and testing trading strategies. Moreover, you can opt for a VIP account, which grants flexible trading conditions, exclusive personal tools, free access to VPS, zero commissions for deposits and withdrawals, and more.

In the tables below, you can find the types of accounts on different trading platforms offered by IFC Broker, along with all their features and costs.

  • trading accounts on the NetTradeX platform:
Standard Account

(fixed and floating spread)

Beginner Account

(fixed and floating spread)

Demo Account

(fixed and floating spread)

Initial Deposit 1000 USD | 1000 EUR | 100000 JPY 1 USD | 1 EUR | 100 JPY
Maximum Equity 5000 USD
Leverage 1:1 – 1:200 1:1 – 1:400 1:1 – 1:400
Minimum Fixed Spread From 1.8 pips From 1.8 pips From 1.8 pips
Minimum Floating Spread From 0.4 pips From 0.4 pips From 0.4 pips
Short margin Level 10% 10% 10%
Minimum Trade Volume (Forex) 10000 units 100 units 100 units
Daily Market News + +
Position Accounting System Hedged/Netting Hedged/Netting Hedged/Netting
  • trading accounts on the MT4 platform:
Standard Account

(fixed spread)

Micro Account

(fixed spread)

Demo Account

(fixed spread)

PAMM Account

(fixed spread)

Initial Deposit 1000 USD | 1000 EUR | 100000 JPY 1 USD | 1 EUR | 100 JPY 100 USD
Maximum Equity 5000 USD | 5000 EUR | 500 000 JPY
Leverage 1:1 – 1:200 1:1 – 1:400 1:1 – 1:400 1:1 – 1:200
Minimum Fixed Spread from 1.8 pips from 1.8 pips from 1.8 pips from 1.8 pips
Short margin Level 10% 10% 10% 10%
Minimum Trade Volume (Forex) 0.1 lot 0.01 lot 0.01 lot 0.01 lot
Daily Market News + + +
Position Accounting System Hedged Hedged Hedged Hedged
  • trading accounts on the MT5 platform:
Standard Account

(floating spread)

Micro Account

(floating spread)

Demo Account

(floating spread)

PAMM Account

(floating spread)

Initial Deposit 1000 USD | 1000 EUR | 100000 JPY 1 USD | 1 EUR | 100 JPY 100 USD | 100 EUR | 10000 JPY
Maximum Equity 5000 USD | 5000 EUR | 500 000 JPY
Leverage 1:1 – 1:200 1:1 – 1:400 1:1 – 1:400 1:1 – 1:200
Minimum Floating Spread from 0.4 pips from 0.4 pips from 0.4 pips from 0.4 pips
Short margin Level 10% 10% 10% 10%
Minimum Trade Volume (Forex) 0.1 lot 0.01 lot 0.01 lot 0.01 lot
Daily Market News + + +
Position Accounting System Hedged/Netting Hedged/Netting Hedged/Netting Hedged

Trading Instruments at IFC Markets Broker

IFC Broker is an international broker for Forex and CFD (Contract for Difference) markets. It offers trading opportunities for 50 currency pairs with instant order execution. You can also engage in CFD trading with the ability to buy over 400 CFDs on shares at a 100% dividend rate.

The broker provides leverage of up to 1:30 for CFDs. Additionally, IFCM offers 19 perpetual commodity futures contracts and 4 CFDs on ETFs without expiration. This broker also allows trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and offers trading in cryptocurrency.

Trading Hours at IFC Broker (in Greenwich Mean Time – GMT)

From To
Cryptocurrencies Monday 00:00 Sunday 22:00
Forex Monday 00:00 Friday 22:00
Commodities Monday 00:00 Friday 22:00
European CFDs Monday 09:00 Friday 17:30
U.S. CFDs Monday 15:30 Friday 22:00

IFC Markets Brokerage Commissions and Fees

IFC Markets Broker offers a unique commission pricing model where prices are provided by liquidity providers in the banking sector. These prices automatically transfer customer orders to the interbank markets. In the table below, we’ve compared the fees of IFC-Markets with those of Fortrade and FXPrimus brokers.

Transaction IFC Markets Fees Fortrade Fees FXPrimus Fees
Deposits Yes No No
Withdrawals No No No
Inactivity Fee Yes Yes Yes
Rank of Fee Level Low High Average


All trading styles are welcomed at IFC Broker. However, this broker provides a competitive trading strategy and spread rates. Therefore, you can choose between fixed or floating spreads for CFD trading based on your needs.

The spread offered by this broker will depend on the type of account you choose. The offered spread may also vary on different platforms. In the table below, you can see IFC Markets’ fixed spreads compared to other popular brokers, namely Fortrade and FXPrimus.

Asset or Currency Pair IFC Markets Spread Fortrade Spread FXPrimus Spread
EUR/USD Spread 1.2 pips 2 pips 1.7 pips
Crude Oil (West Texas) spread 6 pips 7 pips 5 pips
Gold Spread 80 pips 45 pips 26 pips

Additional Fees

You should always consider the rollover fee or overnight fee as an additional cost. This fee is charged for positions held for more than a day and depends on whether you’re buying or selling the instrument. Swap rates are charged or paid according to a specific criterion defined for each instrument. Furthermore, customers adhering to Islamic principles can open an Islamic account with IFC Markets, where the broker won’t calculate exchange rates.

Additional Fees

Deposits and Withdrawals at IFC Markets Broker

IFC Markets offers a wide range of payment methods supported by leading payment service providers globally. Therefore, IFCM supports transfers between its accounts through wire transfers, Crypto such as Bitcoin and Tether, bank cards, and online payment gateways such as WebMoney, Skrill, Neteller, OKPAY, and Unistream.

Minimum Deposit

The minimum required deposit to open an account at IFC Markets is $1. This amount serves as the starting point for your account, which is determined based on whether you opt for a floating or fixed spread. The minimum deposit, accompanied by applicable commissions or without them, will be diverse through financial replenishment options.

International Bank Transfer:

  • Processing Time: Usually 2 to 3 business days
  • Deposit Fee: Depends on your bank’s transfer fees
  • Minimum Deposit Amount: $100 / €100
  • Available Withdrawal Method: International bank transfer

Bank Cards:

  • Processing Time: Instant
  • Commission: None
  • Minimum Deposit: $100 / €100 / ¥10,000
  • Maximum Deposit: $5,000 / €5,000 / ¥500,000
  • Available Withdrawal Method: Bank card used for deposit
  • Processing Time: Within 1 hour
  • Minimum Deposit: $1

Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (TRC20), Ethereum (ERC20))

  • Processing Time: Instant
  • Deposit Fee: None
  • Minimum Deposit: $100 / €100 / ¥10,000 / 2000 uBTC
  • Available Withdrawal Method: Cryptocurrencies


  • Processing Time: Instant
  • Deposit Fee: None
  • Minimum Deposit: $1
  • Available Withdrawal Method: TopChange

Perfect Money Payment System:

  • Processing Time: Instant
  • Commission: 0.5% to 1.99%
  • Minimum Deposit Amount: $1 / €1
  • Maximum Deposit Amount: $5,000 / €5,000
  • Available Withdrawal Method: Perfect Money

WebMoney Payment System:

  • Processing Time: Instant
  • Commission: 20%
  • Minimum Deposit Amount: $1
  • Available Withdrawal Method: WebMoney System

Withdrawals at IFC Broker

IFC Markets Broker makes a great effort to keep withdrawal or deposit costs low. However, these promotions apply only to specific withdrawal methods, and there may be variations between the origin countries. Some deposit methods add processing fees, while others are provided free of charge. For example, card withdrawals are free of charge.

For withdrawals, you can use similar methods with optional commissions and minimum allowable transfer amounts defined by each provider. For example, card withdrawal in E-wallet costs $10 with a 2% commission and $7.50 in commission. On the other hand, CashU E-wallet does not charge any fee for this service. Here are the details of all withdrawal methods provided:

Bank Wire Transfer

  • Processing Time: 2 to 3 business days on average
  • Commission: Variable
  • Minimum Withdrawal Amount: $50 / €50

Perfect Money Payment System

  • Processing Time: Within a few minutes
  • Commission: 0.5%
  • Minimum Withdrawal Amount: $1 / €1
  • Maximum Withdrawal Amount: $5,000 / €5,000

Bank Card to Bank Card Transfer

  • Processing Time: Usually 1 to 5 business days
  • Commission: Variable
  • Minimum Withdrawal: $10 / €10 / ¥5,000
  • Maximum Withdrawal: $1,000 / €1,000 / ¥100,000 per day


  • Processing Time: Within a few minutes
  • Commission: 4%
  • Minimum Withdrawal: $1
  • Processing Time: Within a few minutes
  • Commission: Up to 0.8% (max $50)
  • Minimum Withdrawal: $1


  • Processing Time: Less than 1 business day
  • Minimum Withdrawal: $50 / €50 / ¥5,000 / 1,000 uBTC
  • Processing Time: Within a few minutes
  • Commission: None
  • Minimum Transfer Amount: $1 / €1 / ¥100 / 50 uBTC

Other Payment Systems

  • Processing Time: Within a few minutes
  • Commission: Depends on the payment system

IFC Markets Broker Trading Platforms

The range of trading platforms at IFC Markets includes a selection of popular options, such as MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5). Additionally, IFC Markets is licensed to use the next-generation trading station, NetTradeX. The advantages of IFC Markets’ trading platforms are as follows.

trading platforms at ifc markets broker

  • User-Friendly Software
  • The availability of MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platforms
  • The exclusive use of the advanced trading station NetTradeX
  • Versions suitable for trading on the web, mobile, and desktop
  • Precise fee reports
  • Support for multiple languages

Desktop Platform

Most market leaders, like the MT4 and MT5 platforms, likely don’t require much introduction, as they are platforms that offer comprehensive trading features, including multiple functionalities, automated trading, and a multi-terminal system.

So, let’s focus on another viable option: NetTradeX. This platform is highly advanced and tailored to meet the needs of professional traders. It also offers the unique ability to create custom instruments for each portfolio, including standard and synthetic instruments, created by experts to personalize your trading strategy.

The trading terminal also provides automated trading separate from the common functions with a special graphical interface and expert advisors. This trading terminal is equipped with position and order management, custom indicators, and various services.

So, you can work on NetTradeX and simultaneously on both platforms as a primary and secondary platform. The unified language of NetTradeX advisors complements the primary terminal’s functionality. Thus, you can choose to trade manually or set up algorithms with specified code, offering an excellent opportunity by IFC Markets broker.

Web-Based Platform

Web-based platforms have fewer features and functionalities compared to desktop versions. However, the web-based version is excellent for general monitoring and reviewing trading strategies, making it a valuable addition. There is also an option to use IFC Markets broker platforms in iOS and Android mobile applications, which is considered a great feature.

Customer Support at IFC Markets

IFC Markets broker provides customer support in 18 common international languages. Features such as fast responsiveness and multiple contact methods through established entities of IFC Markets worldwide are available.


Since the trading environment is only one important aspect of a successful trade, a professional broker needs to support and educate its customers in various ways. IFC broker’s educational content is organized through the Online Trading Academy, video tutorials, books, and glossaries. These materials, along with daily technical and fundamental analysis and analytical videos created by experts, are offered to customers.

Summary of IFC Markets Broker

In general, IFC Markets broker is a group of developed companies that can provide access to trading a wide range of forex and CFD trading instruments, as well as new markets and a comprehensive stock basket. The broker’s business model is based on transparent and reliable customer relationships through rule-based execution. This type of business, along with a wide range of general and proprietary platforms with powerful features, is offered. IFC Markets broker supports its customers with education and multilingual customer services and offers a choice of accounts.


  • Credible with BVI FSC and LFSA regulations
  • Over 16 years of experience
  • Easy deposit and withdrawal in real money
  • Unique trading tools
  • Professional liability insurance against risks
  • NetTradeX trading platform
  • Numerous trading programs and awards


  • Support through Telegram is not fast.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is the broker IFC Markets regulated and credible?

Yes, this broker is regulated by two institutions: BVI FSC and LFSA, and is subject to regular oversight by these regulators.

Is IFC Markets safe?

IFC Markets is a safe broker with a reliable trading environment. In addition to complying with three regulatory bodies, it also has professional indemnity insurance with AIG Europe Limited.

Does IFC Markets offer deposit bonuses?

Currently, there are no deposit bonuses offered. However, like all brokers, this offer is executed occasionally.

How can I withdraw money from the IFC broker?

IFC Markets offers bank transfers, credit/debit cards, Perfect Money, Boleto, Novin Pasaargad, TopChang, Bitwallet, WebMoney, cryptocurrencies, and Unistream as withdrawal methods.

What is the transaction fee at the IFC broker?

The floating spread is less than 0.4 pips, there is no commission on the spread, the fixed spread starts from 1.8 pips, and the stock commission starts from 0.10% with a minimum of $1 or the equivalent in currency.